'O modelu imovine', 'about_models_text' => 'Modeli imovine su način grupiranja identične imovine. "MBP 2013", "IPhone 6s" itd.', 'deleted' => 'Ovaj je model izbrisan. Kliknite ovdje da biste ga vratili.', 'bulk_delete' => 'Skupno brisanje modela imovine', 'bulk_delete_help' => 'Use the checkboxes below to confirm the deletion of the selected asset models. Asset models that have assets associated with them cannot be deleted until the assets are associated with a different model.', 'bulk_delete_warn' => 'You are about to delete :model_count asset models.', 'restore' => 'Vraćanje modela', 'requestable' => 'Korisnici mogu zatražiti ovaj model', 'show_mac_address' => 'Prikaži polje MAC adrese u imovini ovog modela', 'view_deleted' => 'Prikaži izbrisano', 'view_models' => 'Pogledajte modele', 'fieldset' => 'Fieldset', 'no_custom_field' => 'Nema prilagođenih polja', 'add_default_values' => 'Dodajte zadane vrijednosti', );