<?php return [ 'custom_fields' => 'Aangepaste velde', 'manage' => 'Manage', 'field' => 'veld', 'about_fieldsets_title' => 'Oor Fieldsets', 'about_fieldsets_text' => 'Fieldsets allow you to create groups of custom fields that are frequently re-used for specific asset model types.', 'custom_format' => 'Custom Regex format...', 'encrypt_field' => 'Enkripteer die waarde van hierdie veld in die databasis', 'encrypt_field_help' => 'WAARSKUWING: Om \'n veld te enkripteer, maak dit onondersoekbaar.', 'encrypted' => 'encrypted', 'fieldset' => 'fieldset', 'qty_fields' => 'Aantal velde', 'fieldsets' => 'Fieldsets', 'fieldset_name' => 'Veldsetnaam', 'field_name' => 'Veldnaam', 'field_values' => 'Veldwaardes', 'field_values_help' => 'Voeg selekteer opsies by, een per reël. Blanke lyne behalwe die eerste reël sal geïgnoreer word.', 'field_element' => 'Vorm Element', 'field_element_short' => 'element', 'field_format' => 'formaat', 'field_custom_format' => 'Gepasmaakte formaat', 'field_custom_format_help' => 'This field allows you to use a regex expression for validation. It should start with "regex:" - for example, to validate that a custom field value contains a valid IMEI (15 numeric digits), you would use <code>regex:/^[0-9]{15}$/</code>.', 'required' => 'vereis', 'req' => 'Req.', 'used_by_models' => 'Gebruik deur modelle', 'order' => 'Orde', 'create_fieldset' => 'Nuwe Fieldset', 'update_fieldset' => 'Update Fieldset', 'fieldset_does_not_exist' => 'Fieldset :id does not exist', 'fieldset_updated' => 'Fieldset updated', 'create_fieldset_title' => 'Create a new fieldset', 'create_field' => 'Nuwe aangepaste veld', 'create_field_title' => 'Create a new custom field', 'value_encrypted' => 'Die waarde van hierdie veld is geïnkripteer in die databasis. Slegs admingebruikers sal die gedecodeerde waarde kan sien', 'show_in_email' => 'Include the value of this field in checkout emails sent to the user? Encrypted fields cannot be included in emails', 'show_in_email_short' => 'Include in emails.', 'help_text' => 'Help Text', 'help_text_description' => 'This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.', 'about_custom_fields_title' => 'About Custom Fields', 'about_custom_fields_text' => 'Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.', 'add_field_to_fieldset' => 'Add Field to Fieldset', 'make_optional' => 'Required - click to make optional', 'make_required' => 'Optional - click to make required', 'reorder' => 'Reorder', 'db_field' => 'DB Field', 'db_convert_warning' => 'WARNING. This field is in the custom fields table as <code>:db_column</code> but should be <code>:expected</code>.', 'is_unique' => 'This value must be unique across all assets', 'unique' => 'Unique', 'display_in_user_view' => 'Allow the checked out user to view these values in their View Assigned Assets page', 'display_in_user_view_table' => 'Visible to User', 'auto_add_to_fieldsets' => 'Automatically add this to every new fieldset', 'add_to_preexisting_fieldsets' => 'Add to any existing fieldsets', 'show_in_listview' => 'Show in list views by default. Authorized users will still be able to show/hide via the column selector', 'show_in_listview_short' => 'Show in lists', 'show_in_requestable_list_short' => 'Show in requestable assets list', 'show_in_requestable_list' => 'Show value in requestable assets list. Encrypted fields will not be shown', 'encrypted_options' => 'This field is encrypted, so some display options will not be available.', ];