@section('title') {{ trans('general.import') }} @parent @stop
{{ trans('general.item') }} | {{ trans('general.error') }} | @php \Log::error("import errors are: ".print_r($import_errors,true)); @endphp @foreach($import_errors AS $key => $actual_import_errors) @php \Log::error("Key is: $key"); @endphp @foreach($actual_import_errors AS $table => $error_bag) @php \Log::error("Table is: $table"); @endphp @foreach($error_bag as $field => $error_list) @php \Log::error("Field is: $field"); @endphp
{{ $activeFile->file_path ?? "Unknown File" }} |
{{ $field }}:
{{ implode(", ",$error_list) }}
{{ trans('general.file_name') }} | {{ trans('general.created_at') }} | {{ trans('general.filesize') }} | {{ trans('general.actions') }} |
{{ $currentFile->file_path }} | {{ Helper::getFormattedDateObject($currentFile->created_at, 'datetime', false) }} | {{ Helper::formatFilesizeUnits($currentFile->filesize) }} | |
{{ Form::select('activeFile.import_type', $importTypes, $activeFile->import_type, [
'id' => 'import_type',
'class' => 'livewire-select2',
'style' => 'min-width: 350px',
'data-placeholder' => trans('general.select_var', ['thing' => trans('general.import_type')]), /* TODO: translate me */
'placeholder' => '', //needed so that the form-helper will put an empty option first
'data-minimum-results-for-search' => '-1', // Remove this if the list gets long enough that we need to search
'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id
]) }}
{{ $statusText }}
Map {{ ucwords($activeFile->import_type) }} Import Fields
CSV Header Field
Import Field
Sample Value
{{ Form::select('field_map.'.$index, $columnOptions[$activeFile->import_type], @$field_map[$index],
'class' => 'mappings livewire-select2',
'placeholder' => 'Do Not Import',
'style' => 'min-width: 100%',
'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id
'-' => ['disabled' => true] // this makes the "-----" line unclickable
{{ str_limit($activeFile->first_row[$index], 50, '...') }}
{{ $statusText }}
@endif {{-- end of if ... activeFile->import_type --}}
{!! trans('general.importing_help') !!}