@extends('layouts/default') {{-- Page title --}} @section('title') {{ trans('admin/settings/general.backups') }} @parent @stop @section('header_right') {{ trans('general.back') }}
@stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')File | Created | Size | {{ trans('general.delete') }} | |
{{ $file['filename'] }} | {{ $file['modified_display'] }} | {{ $file['modified_value'] }} | {{ $file['filesize'] }} | @can('superadmin') {{ trans('general.delete') }} Restore @endcan |
Backup files on the server are stored in: {{ $path }}
{{ trans('general.feature_disabled') }}
@else {{ Form::open([ 'method' => 'POST', 'route' => 'settings.backups.upload', 'files' => true, 'class' => 'form-horizontal' ]) }} @csrf{{ trans_choice('general.filetypes_accepted_help', 1, ['size' => Helper::file_upload_max_size_readable(), 'types' => '.zip']) }}
{!! $errors->first('image', ' ') !!}Use the restore button to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently with with S3 file storage.)
Your entire {{ config('app.name') }} database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced by what's in the backup file.
You will be logged out once your restore is complete.
Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line.