<?php namespace Tests\Support; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse; use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert; use RuntimeException; trait CustomTestMacros { protected function registerCustomMacros() { $guardAgainstNullProperty = function (Model $model, string $property) { if (is_null($model->{$property})) { throw new RuntimeException( "The property ({$property}) either does not exist or is null on the model which isn't helpful for comparison." ); } }; TestResponse::macro( 'assertResponseContainsInRows', function (Model $model, string $property = 'name') use ($guardAgainstNullProperty) { $guardAgainstNullProperty($model, $property); Assert::assertTrue( collect($this['rows'])->pluck($property)->contains(e($model->{$property})), "Response did not contain the expected value: {$model->{$property}}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertResponseDoesNotContainInRows', function (Model $model, string $property = 'name') use ($guardAgainstNullProperty) { $guardAgainstNullProperty($model, $property); Assert::assertFalse( collect($this['rows'])->pluck($property)->contains(e($model->{$property})), "Response contained unexpected value: {$model->{$property}}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertResponseContainsInResults', function (Model $model, string $property = 'id') use ($guardAgainstNullProperty) { $guardAgainstNullProperty($model, $property); Assert::assertTrue( collect($this->json('results'))->pluck('id')->contains(e($model->{$property})), "Response did not contain the expected value: {$model->{$property}}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertResponseDoesNotContainInResults', function (Model $model, string $property = 'id') use ($guardAgainstNullProperty) { $guardAgainstNullProperty($model, $property); Assert::assertFalse( collect($this->json('results'))->pluck('id')->contains(e($model->{$property})), "Response contained unexpected value: {$model->{$property}}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertStatusMessageIs', function (string $message) { Assert::assertEquals( $message, $this['status'], "Response status message was not {$message}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertMessagesAre', function (string $message) { Assert::assertEquals( $message, $this['messages'], "Response messages was not {$message}" ); return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertMessagesContains', function (array|string $keys) { Assert::assertArrayHasKey('messages', $this, 'Response did not contain any messages'); if (is_string($keys)) { $keys = [$keys]; } foreach ($keys as $key) { Assert::assertArrayHasKey( $key, $this['messages'], "Response messages did not contain the key: {$key}" ); } return $this; } ); TestResponse::macro( 'assertPayloadContains', function (array|string $keys) { Assert::assertArrayHasKey('payload', $this, 'Response did not contain a payload'); if (is_string($keys)) { $keys = [$keys]; } foreach ($keys as $key) { Assert::assertArrayHasKey( $key, $this['payload'], "Response messages did not contain the key: {$key}" ); } return $this; } ); } }