'; foreach ($this->model->groups as $group) { $group_names .= link_to_route('update/group', $group->name, $group->id, ['class' => 'label label-default']); } if (!is_null($this->model->deleted_at)) { if (Gate::allows('delete', $this)) { $actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('restore', route('restore/user', $this->id)); } } else { if (Gate::allows('delete', $this)) { if ($this->accountStatus() == 'suspended') { $actions .= link_to_route( 'unsuspend/user', '"', $this->id, ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm'] ); } } if (Gate::allows('update', $this)) { $actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('edit', route('users.edit', $this->id)); $actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('clone', route('clone/user', $this->id)); } if (Gate::allows('delete', $this)) { if ((Auth::user()->id !== $this->id) && (!config('app.lock_passwords'))) { $actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton( 'delete', route('users.destroy', $this->id), true, /*enabled*/ "Are you sure you wish to delete this user?", $this->first_name ); } else { $actions .= ' '; } } } $actions .= ''; $result = [ 'id' => $this->id, 'checkbox' => ($status!='deleted') ? '' : '', 'name' => $this->nameUrl(), 'jobtitle' => $this->jobtitle, 'email' => $this->emailLink(), 'username' => $this->username, 'location' => ($this->model->userloc) ? $this->model->userloc->present()->nameUrl() : '', 'manager' => ($this->model->manager) ? $this->manager->present()->nameUrl() : '', 'employee_num' => $this->employee_num, 'assets' => $this->model->assignedAssets()->count(), 'licenses' => $this->model->licenses()->count(), 'accessories' => $this->model->accessories()->count(), 'consumables' => $this->model->consumables()->count(), 'groups' => $group_names, 'notes' => $this->notes, 'two_factor_enrolled' => ($this->two_factor_enrolled=='1') ? '' : '', 'two_factor_optin' => (($this->two_factor_optin=='1') || (Setting::getSettings()->two_factor_enabled=='2') ) ? '' : '', 'created_at' => ($this->model->created_at!='') ? e($this->model->created_at->format('F j, Y h:iA')) : '', 'activated' => ($this->activated=='1') ? '' : '', 'actions' => $actions ?: '', 'companyName' => $this->companyUrl() ]; return $result; } public function emailLink() { if ($this->email) { return ''.$this->email.'' .''; } return ''; } /** * Returns the user full name, it simply concatenates * the user first and last name. * * @return string */ public function fullName() { return "{$this->first_name} {$this->last_name}"; } /** * Standard accessor. * @TODO Remove presenter::fullName() entirely? * @return string */ public function name() { return $this->fullName(); } /** * Returns the user Gravatar image url. * * @return string */ public function gravatar() { if ($this->avatar) { return config('app.url').'/uploads/avatars/'.$this->avatar; } if ((Setting::getSettings()->load_remote=='1') && ($this->email!='')) { $gravatar = md5(strtolower(trim($this->email))); return "//gravatar.com/avatar/".$gravatar; } return false; } /** * Formatted url for use in tables. * @return string */ public function nameUrl() { return (string) link_to_route('users.show', $this->fullName(), $this->id); } /** * Url to view this item. * @return string */ public function viewUrl() { return route('users.show', $this->id); } }