<?php namespace App\Providers; use Validator; use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider; use DB; use Log; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; use App\Observers\AssetObserver; use App\Observers\LicenseObserver; use App\Observers\AccessoryObserver; use App\Observers\ConsumableObserver; use App\Observers\ComponentObserver; use App\Models\Asset; use App\Models\License; use App\Models\Accessory; use App\Models\Consumable; use App\Models\Component; /** * This service provider handles a few custom validation rules. * * PHP version 5.5.9 * @version v3.0 */ class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { /** * Custom email array validation * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>] * @since [v3.0] * @return void */ public function boot() { Schema::defaultStringLength(191); Asset::observe(AssetObserver::class); Accessory::observe(AccessoryObserver::class); Component::observe(ComponentObserver::class); Consumable::observe(ConsumableObserver::class); License::observe(LicenseObserver::class); // Email array validator Validator::extend('email_array', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) { $value = str_replace(' ', '', $value); $array = explode(',', $value); foreach ($array as $email) { //loop over values $email_to_validate['alert_email'][]=$email; } $rules = array('alert_email.*'=>'email'); $messages = array( 'alert_email.*'=>trans('validation.email_array') ); $validator = Validator::make($email_to_validate, $rules, $messages); return $validator->passes(); }); // Unique only if undeleted // This works around the use case where multiple deleted items have the same unique attribute. // (I think this is a bug in Laravel's validator?) Validator::extend('unique_undeleted', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) { if (count($parameters)) { $count = DB::table($parameters[0])->select('id')->where($attribute, '=', $value)->whereNull('deleted_at')->where('id', '!=', $parameters[1])->count(); return $count < 1; } }); // Share common setting variables with all views. view()->composer('*', function ($view) { $view->with('snipeSettings', \App\Models\Setting::getSettings()); }); // Set the monetary locale to the configured locale to make helper::parseFloat work. setlocale(LC_MONETARY, config('app.locale')); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, config('app.locale')); } /** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { $monolog = Log::getMonolog(); if (config('app.debug')) { $log_level = 'debug'; } else { if (config('log-level')) { $log_level = config('log-level'); } else { $log_level = 'error'; } } if (($this->app->environment('production')) && (config('services.rollbar.access_token'))){ $this->app->register(\Jenssegers\Rollbar\RollbarServiceProvider::class); } foreach ($monolog->getHandlers() as $handler) { $handler->setLevel($log_level); } } }