"company", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "switchable" => true, "title" => '', "visible" => true, "formatter" => "companiesLinkObjFormatter" ], [ "field" => "name", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('admin/accessories/table.title'), "formatter" => "accessoriesLinkFormatter" ], [ "field" => "category", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('admin/accessories/general.accessory_category'), "formatter" => "categoriesLinkObjFormatter" ], [ "field" => "model_number", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('admin/models/table.modelnumber'), "formatter" => "accessoriesLinkFormatter" ], [ "field" => "manufacturer", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('general.manufacturer'), "formatter" => "manufacturersLinkObjFormatter", ], [ "field" => "location", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('general.location'), "formatter" => "locationsLinkObjFormatter", ], [ "field" => "qty", "searchable" => false, "sortable" => false, "title" => trans('admin/accessories/general.total'), ], [ "field" => "min_qty", "searchable" => false, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('general.min_amt'), ], [ "field" => "remaining_qty", "searchable" => false, "sortable" => false, "title" => trans('admin/accessories/general.remaining'), ], [ "field" => "purchase_date", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "visible" => false, "title" => trans('general.purchase_date'), ], [ "field" => "purchase_cost", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "title" => trans('general.purchase_cost'), ], [ "field" => "order_number", "searchable" => true, "sortable" => true, "visible" => false, "title" => trans('general.order_number'), ], [ "field" => "actions", "searchable" => false, "sortable" => false, "switchable" => false, "title" => trans('table.actions'), "formatter" => "accessoriesActionsFormatter", ] ]; return json_encode($layout); } /** * Generate html link to this items name. * @return string */ public function nameUrl() { return (string) link_to_route('hardware.show', e($this->name), $this->id); } public function modelUrl() { if ($this->model->model) { return $this->model->model->present()->nameUrl(); } return ''; } /** * Generate img tag to this items image. * @return mixed|string */ public function imageUrl() { $imagePath = ''; if ($this->image && !empty($this->image)) { $imagePath = $this->image; } elseif ($this->model && !empty($this->model->image)) { $imagePath = $this->model->image; } $url = config('app.url'); if (!empty($imagePath)) { $imagePath = ""; } return $imagePath; } /** * Get Displayable Name * @return string **/ public function name() { if (empty($this->name)) { if (isset($this->model)) { return $this->model->name.' ('.$this->asset_tag.')'; } return $this->asset_tag; } else { return $this->name.' ('.$this->asset_tag.')'; } } /** * Helper for notification polymorphism. * @return mixed */ public function fullName() { return $this->name(); } /** * Returns the date this item hits EOL. * @return false|string */ public function eol_date() { if (( $this->purchase_date ) && ( $this->model )) { $date = date_create($this->purchase_date); date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($this->model->model->eol . ' months')); return date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); } } /** * How many months until this asset hits EOL. * @return null */ public function months_until_eol() { $today = date("Y-m-d"); $d1 = new DateTime($today); $d2 = new DateTime($this->eol_date()); if ($this->eol_date() > $today) { $interval = $d2->diff($d1); } else { $interval = null; } return $interval; } public function statusText() { if ($this->model->assignedTo) { return trans('general.deployed'); } return $this->model->assetstatus->name; } /** * Date the warantee expires. * @return false|string */ public function warrantee_expires() { $date = date_create($this->purchase_date); date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($this->warranty_months . ' months')); return date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); } /** * Url to view this item. * @return string */ public function viewUrl() { return route('hardware.show', $this->id); } public function glyph() { return ''; } }