'該用戶可以登錄', 'activated_disabled_help_text' => '您無法編輯自己帳戶的啟動狀態。', 'assets_user' => '分配給 :name 的資產', 'bulk_update_warn' => '您正在修改 :user_count 位使用者。請注意!您不能透過此表格修改您自己的資訊,您必須單獨編輯您的個人資訊。', 'bulk_update_help' => '此表格允許您同時修改多位使用者。請僅填寫需要修改的欄位,留空的欄位不會做任何修改。', 'current_assets' => '目前借出給該使用者的資產', 'clone' => '複製使用者', 'contact_user' => '聯繫 :name', 'edit' => '編輯使用者', 'filetype_info' => '允許檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar。', 'history_user' => ':name 的歷史記錄', 'info' => '資訊', 'restore_user' => '點擊此處可將它們還原。', 'last_login' => '上次登入', 'ldap_config_text' => 'LDAP 設定在 管理 > 設定。所選位置將套用至匯入的使用者。', 'print_assigned' => '列印所有分配的', 'email_assigned' => 'Email List of All Assigned', 'user_notified' => 'User has been emailed a list of their currently assigned items.', 'software_user' => ':name 借出的軟體', 'send_email_help' => 'You must provide an email address for this user to send them credentials. Emailing credentials can only be done on user creation. Passwords are stored in a one-way hash and cannot be retrieved once saved.', 'view_user' => '檢視使用者: :name', 'usercsv' => 'CSV 檔', 'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => '您當前的管理員設置允許使用雙因素身份驗證。', 'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled ', 'two_factor_active' => '2FA Active ', 'user_deactivated' => 'User cannot login', 'user_activated' => 'User can login', 'activation_status_warning' => 'Do not change activation status', 'group_memberships_helpblock' => 'Only superadmins may edit group memberships.', 'superadmin_permission_warning' => 'Only superadmins may grant a user superadmin access.', 'admin_permission_warning' => 'Only users with admins rights or greater may grant a user admin access.', 'remove_group_memberships' => 'Remove Group Memberships', 'warning_deletion' => 'WARNING:', 'warning_deletion_information' => 'You are about to delete the :count user(s) listed below. Super admin names are highlighted in red.', 'update_user_assets_status' => 'Update all assets for these users to this status', 'checkin_user_properties' => 'Check in all properties associated with these users', 'remote_label' => 'This is a remote user', 'remote' => 'Remote', 'remote_help' => 'This can be useful if you need to filter by remote users who never or rarely come into your physical locations.', 'not_remote_label' => 'This is not a remote user', ];