'Ngā Kāwai Āhuatanga', 'category_name' => 'Ingoa Kāwai', 'checkin_email' => 'Send email to user on checkin/checkout.', 'checkin_email_notification' => 'This user will be sent an email on checkin/checkout.', 'clone' => 'Tuhinga Kāwai', 'create' => 'Waihanga Hanga', 'edit' => 'Whakatikahia te kāwai', 'eula_text' => 'EULA Utu', 'eula_text_help' => 'Mā tēnei mara e āhei ki a koe te whakarite i ō EULA mō ētahi momo rawa. Mena kei a koe tetahi EULA mo o rawa katoa, ka taea e koe te tirotiro i te pouaka i raro nei hei whakamahi i te taunoa tuatahi.', 'name' => 'Ingoa Kāwai', 'require_acceptance' => 'Me tono nga kaiwhakamahi ki te whakauru i nga hua o tenei waahanga.', 'required_acceptance' => 'Ka tukuna tenei kaiwhakamahi ki te hono ki te whakauru i tenei waahanga.', 'required_eula' => 'Ka tukuna tenei kaiwhakamahi i te kape o te EULA', 'no_default_eula' => 'Karekau he taunga tuatahi taunoa EULA. Tāpirihia tetahi i te Tautuhinga.', 'update' => 'Whakahōuhia te Kāwai', 'use_default_eula' => 'Whakamahia te taunoa 123_57__321primary taunoa EULA hei utu mo tenei.', 'use_default_eula_disabled' => 'Me te taunoa tuatahi o te EULA instead. Karekau he tautuhinga taunoa EULA. Tēnā tāpirihia tētahi i Ngā Tautuhinga.', ];