_Drop = Drop.createContext classPrefix: 'tether' isMobile = $(window).width() < 567 init = -> setupHero() setupBrowserDemo() setupHero = -> $target = $('.tether-target-demo') positions = [ 'top left' 'left top' 'left middle' 'left bottom' 'bottom left' 'bottom center' 'bottom right' 'right bottom' 'right middle' 'right top' 'top right' 'top center' ] if isMobile positions = [ 'top left' 'bottom left' 'bottom right' 'top right' ] window.drops = {} for position in positions drops[position] = new _Drop target: $target[0] classes: 'tether-theme-arrows-dark' position: position constrainToWindow: false openOn: '' content: '<div style="height: 50px; width: 50px"></div>' openIndex = 0 frames = 0 frameLengthMS = 10 openAllDrops = -> for position, drop of drops drop.open() openNextDrop = -> for position, drop of drops drop.close() drops[positions[openIndex]].open() drops[positions[(openIndex + 6) % positions.length]].open() openIndex = (openIndex + 1) % positions.length if frames > 5 finalDropState() return frames += 1 setTimeout openNextDrop, frameLengthMS * frames finalDropState = -> $(drops['top left'].dropContent).html('Marrying DOM elements for life.') $(drops['bottom right'].dropContent).html('<a class="button" href="http://github.com/HubSpot/tether">★ On Github</a>') drops['top left'].open() drops['bottom right'].open() if true or isMobile drops['top left'].open() drops['top left'].tether.position() drops['bottom right'].open() drops['bottom right'].tether.position() finalDropState() else openNextDrop() setupBrowserDemo = -> $browserDemo = $('.browser-demo.showcase') $startPoint = $('.browser-demo-start-point') $stopPoint = $('.browser-demo-stop-point') $iframe = $('.browser-window iframe') $browserContents = $('.browser-content .browser-demo-inner') $sections = $('.browser-demo-section') $('body').append """ <style> table.showcase.browser-demo.fixed-bottom { top: #{ $sections.length }00% } </style> """ $(window).scroll -> scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop() if $startPoint.position().top < scrollTop and scrollTop + window.innerHeight < $stopPoint.position().top $browserDemo.removeClass('fixed-bottom') $browserDemo.addClass('fixed') $sections.each -> $section = $ @ if $section.position().top < scrollTop < $section.position().top + $section.outerHeight() setSection $section.data('section') return true else $browserDemo.removeAttr('data-section') $browserDemo.removeClass('fixed') if scrollTop + window.innerHeight > $stopPoint.position().top $browserDemo.addClass('fixed-bottom') else $browserDemo.removeClass('fixed-bottom') $iframe.load -> iframeWindow = $iframe[0].contentWindow $items = $iframe.contents().find('.item') $items.each (i) -> $item = $(@) _iframeWindowDrop = iframeWindow.Drop.createContext classPrefix: 'tether' drop = new _iframeWindowDrop target: $item[0] classes: 'tether-theme-arrows-dark' position: 'right top' constrainToWindow: true openOn: 'click' content: ''' <ul> <li>Action 1</li> <li>Action 2</li> <li>Action 3</li> </ul> ''' $item.data('drop', drop) scrollInterval = undefined scrollTop = 0 scrollTopDirection = 1 setSection = (section) -> $browserDemo.attr('data-section', section) $('.section-copy').removeClass('active') $(""".section-copy[data-section="#{ section }"]""").addClass('active') openExampleItem = -> if isMobile $iframe.contents().find('.item:first').data().drop.open() else $iframe.contents().find('.item:eq(2)').data().drop.open() closeAllItems = -> $iframe.contents().find('.item').each -> $(@).data().drop.close() or true scrollLeftSection = -> scrollInterval = setInterval -> $iframe.contents().find('.left').scrollTop scrollTop scrollTop += scrollTopDirection if scrollTop > 50 scrollTopDirection = -1 if scrollTop < 0 scrollTopDirection = 1 , 30 stopScrollingLeftSection = -> clearInterval scrollInterval switch section when 'what' closeAllItems() openExampleItem() stopScrollingLeftSection() when 'how' closeAllItems() openExampleItem() stopScrollingLeftSection() scrollLeftSection() when 'why' closeAllItems() openExampleItem() stopScrollingLeftSection() scrollLeftSection() when 'outro' closeAllItems() openExampleItem() stopScrollingLeftSection() init()