@extends('layouts/default') {{-- Page title --}} @section('title') {{ trans('admin/hardware/general.checkin') }} @parent @stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')

{{ trans('admin/hardware/form.tag') }} {{ $asset->asset_tag }}

@if ($backto=='user')
@else @endif {{csrf_field()}}
{{ Form::label('model', trans('admin/hardware/form.model'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}

@if (($asset->model) && ($asset->model->name)) {{ $asset->model->name }} @else This asset's model is invalid! The asset should be edited to correct this before attempting to check it in or out. @endif

@can('update', $asset)
{{ Form::label('name', trans('admin/hardware/form.name'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}
first('name', '') !!}
@else @if ($asset->name!='')
{{ Form::label('name', trans('admin/hardware/form.name'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}

{{ $asset->name }}

@endif @endcan
{{ Form::label('status_id', trans('admin/hardware/form.status'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}
{{ Form::select('status_id', $statusLabel_list, '', array('class'=>'select2', 'style'=>'width:100%','id' =>'modal-statuslabel_types', 'aria-label'=>'status_id')) }} {!! $errors->first('status_id', '') !!}
@include ('partials.forms.edit.location-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.location'), 'fieldname' => 'location_id', 'help_text' => ($asset->defaultLoc) ? 'You can choose to check this asset in to a location other than the default location of '.$asset->defaultLoc->name.' if one is set.' : null])
{{ Form::label('checkin_at', trans('admin/hardware/form.checkin_date'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}
{!! $errors->first('checkin_at', '') !!}
{{ Form::label('note', trans('admin/hardware/form.notes'), array('class' => 'col-md-3 control-label')) }}
{!! $errors->first('note', '') !!}