
namespace App\Presenters;

 * Class CompanyPresenter
class ActionlogPresenter extends Presenter
    public function admin()
        if ($user = $this->model->user) {
            if (empty($user->deleted_at)) {
                return $user->present()->nameUrl();
            // The user was deleted
            return '<del>'.$user->getFullNameAttribute().'</del> (deleted)';

        return '';

    public function item()
        if ($this->action_type == 'uploaded') {
            return (string) link_to_route('show/userfile', $this->model->filename, [$this->model->item->id, $this->model->id]);
        if ($item = $this->model->item) {
            if (empty($item->deleted_at)) {
                return $this->model->item->present()->nameUrl();
            // The item was deleted
            return '<del>'.$item->name.'</del> (deleted)';

        return '';

    public function icon()

        // User related icons
        if ($this->itemType() == 'user') {

            if ($this->actionType()=='2fa reset') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-mobile-screen';

            if ($this->actionType()=='create new') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-user-plus';

            if ($this->actionType()=='merged') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-people-arrows';

            if ($this->actionType()=='delete') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-user-minus';

            if ($this->actionType()=='delete') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-user-minus';

            if ($this->actionType()=='update') {
                return 'fa-solid fa-user-pen';

             return 'fa-solid fa-user';

        // Everything else
        if ($this->actionType()=='create new') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-plus';

        if ($this->actionType()=='delete') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-trash';

        if ($this->actionType()=='update') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-pen';

        if ($this->actionType()=='restore') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-trash-arrow-up';

        if ($this->actionType()=='upload') {
            return 'fas fa-paperclip';

        if ($this->actionType()=='checkout') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-rotate-left';

        if ($this->actionType()=='checkin from') {
            return 'fa-solid fa-rotate-right';

        return 'fa-solid fa-rotate-right';


    public function actionType()
        return mb_strtolower(trans('general.'.str_replace(' ', '_', $this->action_type)));

    public function target()
        $target = null;
        // Target is messy.
        // On an upload, the target is the item we are uploading to, stored as the "item" in the log.
        if ($this->action_type == 'uploaded') {
            $target = $this->model->item;
        } elseif (($this->action_type == 'accepted') || ($this->action_type == 'declined')) {
            // If we are logging an accept/reject, the target is not stored directly,
            // so we access it through who the item is assigned to.
            // FIXME: On a reject it's not assigned to anyone.
            $target = $this->model->item->assignedTo;
        } elseif ($this->action_type == 'requested') {
            if ($this->model->user) {
                $target = $this->model->user;
        } elseif ($this->model->target) {
            // Otherwise, we'll just take the target of the log.
            $target = $this->model->target;

        if ($target) {
            if (empty($target->deleted_at)) {
                return $target->present()->nameUrl();

            return '<del>'.$target->present()->name().'</del>';

        return '';