] * @since [v1.0] * @return View */ public function getAccessoryReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $accessories = Accessory::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->with('company')->get(); return view('reports/accessories', compact('accessories')); } /** * Exports the accessories to CSV * * @deprecated Server-side exports have been replaced by datatables export since v2. * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see ManufacturersController::getDatatable() method that generates the JSON response * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function exportAccessoryReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $accessories = Accessory::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); $rows = array(); $header = array( trans('admin/accessories/table.title'), trans('admin/accessories/general.accessory_category'), trans('admin/accessories/general.total'), trans('admin/accessories/general.remaining') ); $header = array_map('trim', $header); $rows[] = implode($header, ', '); // Row per accessory foreach ($accessories as $accessory) { $row = array(); $row[] = e($accessory->accessory_name); $row[] = e($accessory->accessory_category); $row[] = e($accessory->total); $row[] = e($accessory->remaining); $rows[] = implode($row, ','); } $csv = implode($rows, "\n"); $response = Response::make($csv, 200); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/csv'); $response->header('Content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=report.csv'); return $response; } /** * Show depreciation report for assets. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @return View */ public function getDeprecationReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $depreciations = Depreciation::get(); // Grab all the assets $assets = Asset::with( 'assignedTo', 'assetstatus', 'defaultLoc', 'location', 'assetlog', 'company', 'model.category', 'model.depreciation') ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); return view('reports/depreciation', compact('assets'))->with('depreciations',$depreciations); } /** * Exports the depreciations to CSV * * @deprecated Server-side exports have been replaced by datatables export since v2. * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function exportDeprecationReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); // Grab all the assets $assets = Asset::with('model', 'assignedTo', 'assetstatus', 'defaultLoc', 'assetlog') ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); $csv = \League\Csv\Writer::createFromFileObject(new \SplTempFileObject()); $csv->setOutputBOM(Reader::BOM_UTF16_BE); $rows = [ ]; // Create the header row $header = [ trans('admin/hardware/table.asset_tag'), trans('admin/hardware/table.title'), trans('admin/hardware/table.serial'), trans('admin/hardware/table.checkoutto'), trans('admin/hardware/table.location'), trans('admin/hardware/table.purchase_date'), trans('admin/hardware/table.purchase_cost'), trans('admin/hardware/table.book_value'), trans('admin/hardware/table.diff') ]; //we insert the CSV header $csv->insertOne($header); // Create a row per asset foreach ($assets as $asset) { $row = [ ]; $row[] = e($asset->asset_tag); $row[] = e($asset->name); $row[] = e($asset->serial); if ($target = $asset->assignedTo) { $row[] = e($target->present()->name()); } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if unassigned } if (( $asset->assigned_to > 0 ) && ( $location = $asset->location )) { if ($location->city) { $row[] = e($location->city) . ', ' . e($location->state); } elseif ($location->name) { $row[] = e($location->name); } else { $row[] = ''; } } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if location is not set } if ($asset->location) { $currency = e($asset->location->currency); } else { $currency = e(Setting::getSettings()->default_currency); } $row[] = $asset->purchase_date; $row[] = $currency . Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($asset->purchase_cost); $row[] = $currency . Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($asset->getDepreciatedValue()); $row[] = $currency . Helper::formatCurrencyOutput(( $asset->purchase_cost - $asset->getDepreciatedValue() )); $csv->insertOne($row); } $csv->output('depreciation-report-' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv'); die; } /** * Displays audit report. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * @return View */ public function audit() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return view('reports/audit'); } /** * Displays activity report. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @return View */ public function getActivityReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return view('reports/activity'); } /** * Displays license report * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @return View */ public function getLicenseReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $licenses = License::with('depreciation')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC') ->with('company') ->get(); return view('reports/licenses', compact('licenses')); } /** * Exports the licenses to CSV * * @deprecated Server-side exports have been replaced by datatables export since v2. * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function exportLicenseReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $licenses = License::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get(); $rows = [ ]; $header = [ trans('admin/licenses/table.title'), trans('admin/licenses/table.serial'), trans('admin/licenses/form.seats'), trans('admin/licenses/form.remaining_seats'), trans('admin/licenses/form.expiration'), trans('general.purchase_date'), trans('general.depreciation'), trans('general.purchase_cost') ]; $header = array_map('trim', $header); $rows[] = implode($header, ', '); // Row per license foreach ($licenses as $license) { $row = [ ]; $row[] = e($license->name); $row[] = e($license->serial); $row[] = e($license->seats); $row[] = $license->remaincount(); $row[] = $license->expiration_date; $row[] = $license->purchase_date; $row[] = ($license->depreciation!='') ? '' : e($license->depreciation->name); $row[] = '"' . Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($license->purchase_cost) . '"'; $rows[] = implode($row, ','); } $csv = implode($rows, "\n"); $response = Response::make($csv, 200); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/csv'); $response->header('Content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=report.csv'); return $response; } /** * Returns a form that allows the user to generate a custom CSV report. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see ReportsController::postCustomReport() method that generates the CSV * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function getCustomReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $customfields = CustomField::get(); return view('reports/custom')->with('customfields', $customfields); } /** * Exports the custom report to CSV * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see ReportsController::getCustomReport() method that generates form view * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function postCustom(Request $request) { ini_set('max_execution_time', 12000); $this->authorize('reports.view'); \Debugbar::disable(); $customfields = CustomField::get(); $response = new StreamedResponse(function () use ($customfields, $request) { \Log::debug('Starting streamed response'); // Open output stream $handle = fopen('php://output', 'w'); stream_set_timeout($handle, 2000); if ($request->filled('use_bom')) { fprintf($handle, chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBB) . chr(0xBF)); } $header = []; if ($request->filled('company')) { $header[] = trans('general.company'); } if ($request->filled('asset_name')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.name'); } if ($request->filled('asset_tag')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.asset_tag'); } if ($request->filled('model')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.model'); $header[] = trans('general.model_no'); } if ($request->filled('category')) { $header[] = trans('general.category'); } if ($request->filled('manufacturer')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.manufacturer'); } if ($request->filled('serial')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.serial'); } if ($request->filled('purchase_date')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.purchase_date'); } if (($request->filled('purchase_cost')) || ($request->filled('depreciation'))) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.purchase_cost'); } if ($request->filled('eol')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.eol'); } if ($request->filled('order')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.order'); } if ($request->filled('supplier')) { $header[] = trans('general.supplier'); } if ($request->filled('location')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.location'); } if ($request->filled('location_address')) { $header[] = trans('general.address'); $header[] = trans('general.address'); $header[] = trans('general.city'); $header[] = trans('general.state'); $header[] = trans('general.country'); $header[] = trans('general.zip'); } if ($request->filled('rtd_location')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.default_location'); } if ($request->filled('rtd_location_address')) { $header[] = trans('general.address'); $header[] = trans('general.address'); $header[] = trans('general.city'); $header[] = trans('general.state'); $header[] = trans('general.country'); $header[] = trans('general.zip'); } if ($request->filled('assigned_to')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.checkoutto'); $header[] = trans('general.type'); } if ($request->filled('username')) { $header[] = 'Username'; } if ($request->filled('employee_num')) { $header[] = 'Employee No.'; } if ($request->filled('manager')) { $header[] = trans('admin/users/table.manager'); } if ($request->filled('department')) { $header[] = trans('general.department'); } if ($request->filled('status')) { $header[] = trans('general.status'); } if ($request->filled('warranty')) { $header[] = 'Warranty'; $header[] = 'Warranty Expires'; } if ($request->filled('depreciation')) { $header[] = 'Value'; $header[] = 'Diff'; $header[] = 'Fully Depreciated'; } if ($request->filled('checkout_date')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/table.checkout_date'); } if ($request->filled('expected_checkin')) { $header[] = trans('admin/hardware/form.expected_checkin'); } if ($request->filled('created_at')) { $header[] = trans('general.created_at'); } if ($request->filled('updated_at')) { $header[] = trans('general.updated_at'); } if ($request->filled('last_audit_date')) { $header[] = trans('general.last_audit'); } if ($request->filled('next_audit_date')) { $header[] = trans('general.next_audit_date'); } if ($request->filled('notes')) { $header[] = trans('general.notes'); } foreach ($customfields as $customfield) { if (e(Input::get($customfield->db_column_name())) == '1') { $header[] = $customfield->name; } } $executionTime = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; \Log::debug('Starting headers: '.$executionTime); fputcsv($handle, $header); $executionTime = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; \Log::debug('Added headers: '.$executionTime); $assets = \App\Models\Company::scopeCompanyables(Asset::select('assets.*'))->with( 'location', 'assetstatus', 'assetlog', 'company', 'defaultLoc','assignedTo', 'model.category', 'model.manufacturer','supplier'); if ($request->filled('by_location_id')) { $assets->where('assets.location_id', $request->input('by_location_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_rtd_location_id')) { \Log::debug('RTD location should match: '.$request->input('by_rtd_location_id')); $assets->where('assets.rtd_location_id', $request->input('by_rtd_location_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_supplier_id')) { $assets->where('assets.supplier_id', $request->input('by_supplier_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_company_id')) { $assets->where('assets.company_id', $request->input('by_company_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_model_id')) { $assets->where('assets.model_id', $request->input('by_model_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_category_id')) { $assets->InCategory($request->input('by_category_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_dept_id')) { \Log::debug('Only users in dept '.$request->input('by_dept_id')); $assets->CheckedOutToTargetInDepartment($request->input('by_dept_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_manufacturer_id')) { $assets->ByManufacturer($request->input('by_manufacturer_id')); } if ($request->filled('by_order_number')) { $assets->where('assets.order_number', $request->input('by_order_number')); } if ($request->filled('by_status_id')) { $assets->where('assets.status_id', $request->input('by_status_id')); } if (($request->filled('purchase_start')) && ($request->filled('purchase_end'))) { $assets->whereBetween('assets.purchase_date', [$request->input('purchase_start'), $request->input('purchase_end')]); } if (($request->filled('created_start')) && ($request->filled('created_end'))) { $assets->whereBetween('assets.created_at', [$request->input('created_start'), $request->input('created_end')]); } if (($request->filled('expected_checkin_start')) && ($request->filled('expected_checkin_end'))) { $assets->whereBetween('assets.expected_checkin', [$request->input('expected_checkin_start'), $request->input('expected_checkin_end')]); } $assets->orderBy('assets.created_at', 'ASC')->chunk(20, function($assets) use($handle, $customfields, $request) { $executionTime = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; \Log::debug('Walking results: '.$executionTime); $count = 0; foreach ($assets as $asset) { $count++; $row = []; if ($request->filled('company')) { $row[] = ($asset->company) ? $asset->company->name : ''; } if ($request->filled('asset_name')) { $row[] = ($asset->name) ? $asset->name : ''; } if ($request->filled('asset_tag')) { $row[] = ($asset->asset_tag) ? $asset->asset_tag : ''; } if ($request->filled('model')) { $row[] = ($asset->model) ? $asset->model->name : ''; $row[] = ($asset->model) ? $asset->model->model_number : ''; } if ($request->filled('category')) { $row[] = (($asset->model) && ($asset->model->category)) ? $asset->model->category->name : ''; } if ($request->filled('manufacturer')) { $row[] = ($asset->model && $asset->model->manufacturer) ? $asset->model->manufacturer->name : ''; } if ($request->filled('serial')) { $row[] = ($asset->serial) ? $asset->serial : ''; } if ($request->filled('purchase_date')) { $row[] = ($asset->purchase_date) ? $asset->purchase_date : ''; } if ($request->filled('purchase_cost')) { $row[] = ($asset->purchase_cost) ? Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($asset->purchase_cost) : ''; } if ($request->filled('eol')) { $row[] = ($asset->purchase_date!='') ? $asset->present()->eol_date() : ''; } if ($request->filled('order')) { $row[] = ($asset->order_number) ? $asset->order_number : ''; } if ($request->filled('supplier')) { $row[] = ($asset->supplier) ? $asset->supplier->name : ''; } if ($request->filled('location')) { $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->present()->name() : ''; } if ($request->filled('location_address')) { $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->address : ''; $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->address2 : ''; $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->city : ''; $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->state : ''; $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->country : ''; $row[] = ($asset->location) ? $asset->location->zip : ''; } if ($request->filled('rtd_location')) { $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->present()->name() : ''; } if ($request->filled('rtd_location_address')) { $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->address : ''; $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->address2 : ''; $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->city : ''; $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->state : ''; $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->country : ''; $row[] = ($asset->defaultLoc) ? $asset->defaultLoc->zip : ''; } if ($request->filled('assigned_to')) { $row[] = ($asset->checkedOutToUser() && $asset->assigned) ? $asset->assigned->getFullNameAttribute() : ($asset->assigned ? $asset->assigned->display_name : ''); $row[] = ($asset->checkedOutToUser() && $asset->assigned) ? 'user' : $asset->assignedType(); } if ($request->filled('username')) { // Only works if we're checked out to a user, not anything else. if ($asset->checkedOutToUser()) { $row[] = ($asset->assignedto) ? $asset->assignedto->username : ''; } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if unassigned } } if ($request->filled('employee_num')) { // Only works if we're checked out to a user, not anything else. if ($asset->checkedOutToUser()) { $row[] = ($asset->assignedto) ? $asset->assignedto->employee_num : ''; } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if unassigned } } if ($request->filled('manager')) { if ($asset->checkedOutToUser()) { $row[] = (($asset->assignedto) && ($asset->assignedto->manager)) ? $asset->assignedto->manager->present()->fullName : ''; } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if unassigned } } if ($request->filled('department')) { if ($asset->checkedOutToUser()) { $row[] = (($asset->assignedto) && ($asset->assignedto->department)) ? $asset->assignedto->department->name : ''; } else { $row[] = ''; // Empty string if unassigned } } if ($request->filled('status')) { $row[] = ($asset->assetstatus) ? $asset->assetstatus->name.' ('.$asset->present()->statusMeta.')' : ''; } if ($request->filled('warranty')) { $row[] = ($asset->warranty_months) ? $asset->warranty_months : ''; $row[] = $asset->present()->warrantee_expires(); } if ($request->filled('depreciation')) { $depreciation = $asset->getDepreciatedValue(); $diff = ($asset->purchase_cost - $depreciation); $row[] = Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($depreciation); $row[] = Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($diff); $row[] = ($asset->depreciated_date()!='') ? $asset->depreciated_date()->format('Y-m-d') : ''; } if ($request->filled('checkout_date')) { $row[] = ($asset->last_checkout) ? $asset->last_checkout : ''; } if ($request->filled('expected_checkin')) { $row[] = ($asset->expected_checkin) ? $asset->expected_checkin : ''; } if ($request->filled('created_at')) { $row[] = ($asset->created_at) ? $asset->created_at : ''; } if ($request->filled('updated_at')) { $row[] = ($asset->updated_at) ? $asset->updated_at : ''; } if ($request->filled('last_audit_date')) { $row[] = ($asset->last_audit_date) ? $asset->last_audit_date : ''; } if ($request->filled('next_audit_date')) { $row[] = ($asset->next_audit_date) ? $asset->next_audit_date : ''; } if ($request->filled('notes')) { $row[] = ($asset->notes) ? $asset->notes : ''; } foreach ($customfields as $customfield) { $column_name = $customfield->db_column_name(); if ($request->filled($customfield->db_column_name())) { $row[] = $asset->$column_name; } } fputcsv($handle, $row); $executionTime = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; \Log::debug('-- Record '.$count.' Asset ID:' .$asset->id. ' in '. $executionTime); } }); // Close the output stream fclose($handle); $executionTime = microtime(true) - $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT"]; \Log::debug('-- SCRIPT COMPLETED IN '. $executionTime); }, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/csv', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="custom-assets-report-'.date('Y-m-d-his').'.csv"', ]); return $response; } /** * getImprovementsReport * * @return View * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ public function getAssetMaintenancesReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); // Grab all the improvements $assetMaintenances = AssetMaintenance::with('asset', 'supplier', 'asset.company') ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC') ->get(); return view('reports/asset_maintenances', compact('assetMaintenances')); } /** * exportImprovementsReport * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ public function exportAssetMaintenancesReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); // Grab all the improvements $assetMaintenances = AssetMaintenance::with('asset', 'supplier') ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC') ->get(); $rows = [ ]; $header = [ trans('admin/hardware/table.asset_tag'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/table.asset_name'), trans('general.supplier'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.asset_maintenance_type'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.title'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.start_date'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.completion_date'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.asset_maintenance_time'), trans('admin/asset_maintenances/form.cost') ]; $header = array_map('trim', $header); $rows[] = implode($header, ','); foreach ($assetMaintenances as $assetMaintenance) { $row = [ ]; $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetMaintenance->asset->asset_tag)); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetMaintenance->asset->name)); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetMaintenance->supplier->name)); $row[] = e($assetMaintenance->improvement_type); $row[] = e($assetMaintenance->title); $row[] = e($assetMaintenance->start_date); $row[] = e($assetMaintenance->completion_date); if (is_null($assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time)) { $improvementTime = intval(Carbon::now() ->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($assetMaintenance->start_date))); } else { $improvementTime = intval($assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time); } $row[] = $improvementTime; $row[] = trans('general.currency') . Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($assetMaintenance->cost); $rows[] = implode($row, ','); } // spit out a csv $csv = implode($rows, "\n"); $response = Response::make($csv, 200); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/csv'); $response->header('Content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=report.csv'); return $response; } /** * getAssetAcceptanceReport * * @return mixed * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ public function getAssetAcceptanceReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); /** * Get all assets with pending checkout acceptances */ $acceptances = CheckoutAcceptance::pending()->get(); $assetsForReport = $acceptances ->filter(function($acceptance) { return $acceptance->checkoutable_type == 'App\Models\Asset'; }) ->map(function($acceptance) { return $acceptance->checkoutable; }); return view('reports/unaccepted_assets', compact('assetsForReport')); } /** * exportAssetAcceptanceReport * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ public function exportAssetAcceptanceReport() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); // Grab all the improvements $assetsForReport = Actionlog::whereIn('id', $this->getAssetsNotAcceptedYet()) ->get(); $rows = [ ]; $header = [ trans('general.category'), trans('admin/hardware/form.model'), trans('admin/hardware/form.name'), trans('admin/hardware/table.asset_tag'), trans('admin/hardware/table.checkoutto'), ]; $header = array_map('trim', $header); $rows[] = implode($header, ','); foreach ($assetsForReport as $assetItem) { $row = [ ]; $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetItem->assetlog->model->category->name)); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetItem->assetlog->model->name)); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetItem->assetlog->present()->name())); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetItem->assetlog->asset_tag)); $row[] = str_replace(',', '', e($assetItem->assetlog->assignedTo->present()->name())); $rows[] = implode($row, ','); } // spit out a csv $csv = implode($rows, "\n"); $response = Response::make($csv, 200); $response->header('Content-Type', 'text/csv'); $response->header('Content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=report.csv'); return $response; } /** * getCheckedOutAssetsRequiringAcceptance * * @param $modelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance * * @return array * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ protected function getCheckedOutAssetsRequiringAcceptance($modelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance) { $this->authorize('reports.view'); $assets = Asset::deployed() ->inModelList($modelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance) ->select('id') ->get() ->toArray(); return array_pluck($assets, 'id'); } /** * getModelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance * * @param $assetCategoriesRequiringAcceptance * @return array * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ protected function getModelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance($assetCategoriesRequiringAcceptance) { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return array_pluck(Model::inCategory($assetCategoriesRequiringAcceptance) ->select('id') ->get() ->toArray(), 'id'); } /** * getCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance * * @return array * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ protected function getCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return array_pluck(Category::requiresAcceptance() ->select('id') ->get() ->toArray(), 'id'); } /** * getAssetsCheckedOutRequiringAcceptance * * @return array * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ protected function getAssetsCheckedOutRequiringAcceptance() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return $this->getCheckedOutAssetsRequiringAcceptance( $this->getModelsInCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance($this->getCategoriesThatRequireAcceptance()) ); } /** * getAssetsNotAcceptedYet * * @return array * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 */ protected function getAssetsNotAcceptedYet() { $this->authorize('reports.view'); return Asset::unaccepted(); } }