'required|min:1|numeric', "qr_text" => 'min:1|max:31', "logo_img" => 'mimes:jpeg,bmp,png,gif', "alert_email" => 'email_array', "slack_endpoint" => 'url', "default_currency" => 'required', "locale" => 'required', "slack_channel" => 'regex:/(? 'string', 'labels_per_page' => 'numeric', 'labels_width' => 'numeric', 'labels_height' => 'numeric', 'labels_pmargin_left' => 'numeric', 'labels_pmargin_right' => 'numeric', 'labels_pmargin_top' => 'numeric', 'labels_pmargin_bottom' => 'numeric', 'labels_display_bgutter' => 'numeric', 'labels_display_sgutter' => 'numeric', 'labels_fontsize' => 'numeric|min:5', 'labels_pagewidth' => 'numeric', 'labels_pageheight' => 'numeric', "ldap_server" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1|url', "ldap_uname" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_basedn" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_filter" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_username_field" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_lname_field" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_auth_filter_query" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', "ldap_version" => 'sometimes|required_if:ldap_enabled,1', ]; protected $fillable = ['site_name','email_domain','email_format','username_format']; public static function getSettings() { static $static_cache = null; if (!$static_cache) { if (Schema::hasTable('settings')) { $static_cache = Setting::first(); } } return $static_cache; } public static function setupCompleted() { $users_table_exists = Schema::hasTable('users'); $settings_table_exists = Schema::hasTable('settings'); if ($users_table_exists && $settings_table_exists) { $usercount = User::withTrashed()->count(); $settingsCount = Setting::count(); return ($usercount > 0 && $settingsCount > 0); } } public function lar_ver() { $app = \App::getFacadeApplication(); return $app::VERSION; } public static function getDefaultEula() { $Parsedown = new \Parsedown(); if (Setting::getSettings()->default_eula_text) { return $Parsedown->text(e(Setting::getSettings()->default_eula_text)); } else { return null; } } public function show_custom_css() { $custom_css = Setting::getSettings()->custom_css; $custom_css = e($custom_css); // Needed for modifying the bootstrap nav :( $custom_css = str_ireplace('script', 'SCRIPTS-NOT-ALLOWED-HERE', $custom_css); $custom_css = str_replace('>', '>', $custom_css); return $custom_css; } /** * Converts bytes into human readable file size. * * @param string $bytes * @return string human readable file size (2,87 Мб) * @author Mogilev Arseny */ public static function fileSizeConvert($bytes) { $bytes = floatval($bytes); $arBytes = array( 0 => array( "UNIT" => "TB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 4) ), 1 => array( "UNIT" => "GB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 3) ), 2 => array( "UNIT" => "MB", "VALUE" => pow(1024, 2) ), 3 => array( "UNIT" => "KB", "VALUE" => 1024 ), 4 => array( "UNIT" => "B", "VALUE" => 1 ), ); foreach ($arBytes as $arItem) { if ($bytes >= $arItem["VALUE"]) { $result = $bytes / $arItem["VALUE"]; $result = round($result, 2) .$arItem["UNIT"]; break; } } return $result; } /** * The url for slack notifications. * Used by Notifiable trait. * @return mixed */ public function routeNotificationForSlack() { // At this point the endpoint is the same for everything. // In the future this may want to be adapted for individual notifications. return $this->slack_endpoint; } }