create([ 'options' => [ 'is_a_checkbox_field' => '1', ], ]); $this->assertEquals('1', $savedReport->checkmarkValue('is_a_checkbox_field')); $this->assertEquals('0', $savedReport->checkmarkValue('non_existent_key')); $this->assertEquals('1', (new ReportTemplate)->checkmarkValue('is_a_checkbox_field')); } public function testParsingTextValue() { $savedReport = ReportTemplate::factory()->create([ 'options' => [ 'is_a_text_field' => 'some text', ], ]); $this->assertEquals('some text', $savedReport->textValue('is_a_text_field')); $this->assertEquals('', $savedReport->textValue('non_existent_key')); $this->assertEquals('', (new ReportTemplate)->textValue('is_a_text_field')); } public function testParsingRadioValue() { $savedReport = ReportTemplate::factory()->create([ 'options' => [ 'is_a_radio_field' => null, ], ]); $this->assertEquals('return_value', $savedReport->radioValue('is_a_radio_field', null, 'return_value')); $this->assertEquals(null, $savedReport->radioValue('is_a_radio_field', 'another_value', 'return_value')); $this->assertNull($savedReport->radioValue('non_existent_key', '1', true)); } public function testParsingSelectValue() { $savedReport = ReportTemplate::factory()->create([ 'options' => [ 'is_a_text_field_as_well' => '4', 'contains_a_null_value' => null, ], ]); $this->assertEquals('4', $savedReport->selectValue('is_a_text_field_as_well')); $this->assertEquals('', $savedReport->selectValue('non_existent_key')); $this->assertNull($savedReport->selectValue('contains_a_null_value')); } public function testParsingSelectValues() { $savedReport = ReportTemplate::factory()->create([ 'options' => [ 'is_an_array' => ['2', '3', '4'], 'is_an_array_containing_null' => [null], ], ]); $this->assertEquals(['2', '3', '4'], $savedReport->selectValues('is_an_array')); $this->assertEquals(null, $savedReport->selectValues('non_existent_key')); $this->assertNull($savedReport->selectValues('is_an_array_containing_null')); } public function testSelectValueDoesNotIncludeDeletedOrNonExistentModels() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); // @todo: maybe it should optionally include deleted values? } public function testSelectValuesDoNotIncludeDeletedOrNonExistentModels() { [$locationA, $locationB] = Location::factory()->count(2)->create(); $savedReport = ReportTemplate::factory()->create([ 'options' => [ 'by_location_id' => [ $locationA->id, $locationB->id, 10000 ], ], ]); $locationB->delete(); $this->assertContains( $locationA->id, $savedReport->selectValues('by_location_id', Location::class) ); $this->assertNotContains( $locationB->id, $savedReport->selectValues('by_location_id', Location::class) ); $this->assertNotContains( 10000, $savedReport->selectValues('by_location_id', Location::class) ); } public function testGracefullyHandlesSingleSelectBecomingMultiSelect() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } public function testGracefullyHandlesMultiSelectBecomingSingleSelect() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } public function testDeletedCustomFieldsDoNotCauseAnIssue() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); } public function testDateRangesAreNotStored() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); // This might not be a test we implement, but it's a place to ask a question: // Should we be saving and restoring date ranges? // A use-case I can see is running a report at the end of the month for the date ranges for that month. // Maybe it's better to leave those off so users are gently prompted to enter the ranges for each run? // Another option would be to have checkbox that asks the user if they would like to save the dates? // I'm not sure how helpful that is, and it would probably be a future feature if implemented. } public function testSavedReportHasDefaultValuesSet() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); // Quick thought: I think deleted_assets should be set to null so that // "Exclude Deleted Assets" is selected when using a new'd up SavedReport. } public function testOldValuesStillWorkAfterTheseChanges() { $this->markTestIncomplete(); // Another marker that won't actually be a test case: // We need to make sure that any behavior involving using "old" input. // I explicitly removed the old()s from the "deleted_assets" radio buttons. // The "x-selects" partials still include them, but I haven't tested them yet. } }