<?php namespace App\Models\Labels; use App\Helpers\Helper; use App\Models\Setting; class DefaultLabel extends RectangleSheet { private const BARCODE1D_SIZE = 0.15; private const BARCODE2D_SIZE = 0.76; private const BARCODE2D_MARGIN = 0.075; private const LOGO_SIZE = [0.75, 0.50]; private const LOGO_MARGIN = 0.05; private const TEXT_MARGIN = 0.04; private float $textSize; private float $labelWidth; private float $labelHeight; private float $labelSpacingH; private float $labelSpacingV; private float $pageMarginTop; private float $pageMarginBottom; private float $pageMarginLeft; private float $pageMarginRight; private float $pageWidth; private float $pageHeight; private int $columns; private int $rows; public function __construct() { $settings = Setting::getSettings(); $this->textSize = Helper::convertUnit($settings->labels_fontsize, 'pt', 'in'); $this->labelWidth = $settings->labels_width; $this->labelHeight = $settings->labels_height; $this->labelSpacingH = $settings->labels_display_sgutter; $this->labelSpacingV = $settings->labels_display_bgutter; $this->pageMarginTop = $settings->labels_pmargin_top; $this->pageMarginBottom = $settings->labels_pmargin_bottom; $this->pageMarginLeft = $settings->labels_pmargin_left; $this->pageMarginRight = $settings->labels_pmargin_right; $this->pageWidth = $settings->labels_pagewidth; $this->pageHeight = $settings->labels_pageheight; $usableWidth = $this->pageWidth - $this->pageMarginLeft - $this->pageMarginRight; $usableHeight = $this->pageHeight - $this->pageMarginTop - $this->pageMarginBottom; $this->columns = ($usableWidth + $this->labelSpacingH) / ($this->labelWidth + $this->labelSpacingH); $this->rows = ($usableHeight + $this->labelSpacingV) / ($this->labelHeight + $this->labelSpacingV); // Make sure the columns and rows are never zero, since that scenario should never happen if ($this->columns == 0) { $this->columns = 1; } if ($this->rows == 0) { $this->rows = 1; } } public function getUnit() { return 'in'; } public function getPageWidth() { return $this->pageWidth; } public function getPageHeight() { return $this->pageHeight; } public function getPageMarginTop() { return $this->pageMarginTop; } public function getPageMarginBottom() { return $this->pageMarginBottom; } public function getPageMarginLeft() { return $this->pageMarginLeft; } public function getPageMarginRight() { return $this->pageMarginRight; } public function getColumns() { return $this->columns; } public function getRows() { return $this->rows; } public function getLabelBorder() { return 0; } public function getLabelWidth() { return $this->labelWidth; } public function getLabelHeight() { return $this->labelHeight; } public function getLabelMarginTop() { return 0; } public function getLabelMarginBottom() { return 0; } public function getLabelMarginLeft() { return 0; } public function getLabelMarginRight() { return 0; } public function getLabelColumnSpacing() { return $this->labelSpacingH; } public function getLabelRowSpacing() { return $this->labelSpacingV; } public function getSupportAssetTag() { return false; } public function getSupport1DBarcode() { return true; } public function getSupport2DBarcode() { return true; } public function getSupportFields() { return 4; } public function getSupportTitle() { return true; } public function getSupportLogo() { return true; } public function preparePDF($pdf) {} public function write($pdf, $record) { $asset = $record->get('asset'); $settings = Setting::getSettings(); $textY = 0; $textX1 = 0; $textX2 = $this->getLabelWidth(); // 1D Barcode if ($record->get('barcode1d')) { static::write1DBarcode( $pdf, $record->get('barcode1d')->content, $record->get('barcode1d')->type, 0.05, $this->getLabelHeight() - self::BARCODE1D_SIZE, $this->getLabelWidth() - 0.1, self::BARCODE1D_SIZE ); } // 2D Barcode if ($record->get('barcode2d')) { static::write2DBarcode( $pdf, $record->get('barcode2d')->content, $record->get('barcode2d')->type, 0, 0, self::BARCODE2D_SIZE, self::BARCODE2D_SIZE ); $textX1 += self::BARCODE2D_SIZE + self::BARCODE2D_MARGIN; } // Logo if ($record->get('logo')) { $logoSize = static::writeImage( $pdf, $record->get('logo'), $this->labelWidth - self::LOGO_SIZE[0], 0, self::LOGO_SIZE[0], self::LOGO_SIZE[1], 'R', 'T', 300, true, false, 0 ); $textX2 -= ($logoSize[0] + self::LOGO_MARGIN); } $textW = $textX2 - $textX1; // Title if ($record->get('title')) { static::writeText( $pdf, $record->get('title'), $textX1, 0, 'freesans', 'b', $this->textSize, 'L', $textW, $this->textSize, true, 0 ); $textY += $this->textSize + self::TEXT_MARGIN; } // Render the selected fields with their labels $fieldsDone = 0; if ($fieldsDone < $this->getSupportFields()) { foreach ($record->get('fields') as $field) { // Actually write the selected fields and their matching values static::writeText( $pdf, (($field['label']) ? $field['label'].' ' : '') . $field['value'], $textX1, $textY, 'freesans', '', $this->textSize, 'L', $textW, $this->textSize, true, 0 ); $textY += $this->textSize + self::TEXT_MARGIN; $fieldsDone++; } } } } ?>