
return array(

    'accepted'                  => '您已接受這項資產。',
    'declined'                  => '您已拒絕這項資產。',
    'bulk_manager_warn'	        => '您的使用者已成功更新,但主管條目未保存,因為您選擇的主管也在要編輯的使用者列表中,使用者不能是自己的主管。 請再次選擇您的使用者並排除主管。',
    'user_exists'               => '使用者已存在!',
    'user_not_found'            => '找不到使用者。',
    'user_login_required'       => '登入欄位是必需的',
    'user_has_no_assets_assigned' => 'No assets currently assigned to user.',
    'user_password_required'    => '密碼欄位是必需的',
    'insufficient_permissions'  => '權限不足',
    'user_deleted_warning'      => '此使用者已被刪除。您必須先還原此使用者才能進行編輯或分配新的資產。',
    'ldap_not_configured'        => 'LDAP 整合尚未設定',
    'password_resets_sent'      => '已向選定的已啟動且擁有有效電子郵件地址的使用者傳送了密碼重設連結。',
    'password_reset_sent'       => '密碼重置連結已傳送至 :email',
    'user_has_no_email'         => '該使用者的個人資料尚未填寫電子郵件。',
    'log_record_not_found'        => 'A matching log record for this user could not be found.',

    'success' => array(
        'create'    => '新增使用者成功。',
        'update'    => '更新使用者成功。',
        'update_bulk'    => '使用者更新成功 !',
        'delete'    => '刪除使用者成功。',
        'ban'       => '禁止使用者成功。',
        'unban'     => '解禁使用者成功。',
        'suspend'   => '停用使用者成功。',
        'unsuspend' => '解除停用使用者成功。',
        'restored'  => '恢復使用者成功。',
        'import'    => '匯入使用者成功。',

    'error' => array(
        'create' => '新增使用者失敗,請重試。',
        'update' => '更新使用者失敗,請重試。',
        'delete' => '刪除使用者失敗,請重試。',
        'delete_has_assets' => '此使用者已分配物件,無法刪除。',
        'delete_has_assets_var' => 'This user still has an asset assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count assets assigned. Please check their assets in first.',
        'delete_has_licenses_var' => 'This user still has a license seats assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count license seats assigned. Please check them in first.',
        'delete_has_accessories_var' => 'This user still has an accessory assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count accessories assigned. Please check their assets in first.',
        'delete_has_locations_var' => 'This user still manages a location. Please select another manager first.|This user still manages :count locations. Please select another manager first.',
        'delete_has_users_var' => 'This user still manages another user. Please select another manager for that user first.|This user still manages :count users. Please select another manager for them first.',
        'unsuspend' => '解除停用使用者失敗,請重試。',
        'import'    => '匯入使用者失敗,請重試。',
        'asset_already_accepted' => '資產已被接受',
        'accept_or_decline' => '您必須選擇接受或拒絕該資產。',
        'cannot_delete_yourself' => 'We would feel really bad if you deleted yourself, please reconsider.',
        'incorrect_user_accepted' => '您正嘗試接受的資產未分配給您',
        'ldap_could_not_connect' => '無法連接到 LDAP 伺服器,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
        'ldap_could_not_bind' => '無法綁定 LDAP 伺服器,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
        'ldap_could_not_search' => '查詢 LDAP 伺服器失敗,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
        'ldap_could_not_get_entries' => ' LDAP 伺服器取得資訊條目失敗,請檢查 LDAP 設定文件中的相關設定。<br>LDAP 伺服器錯誤訊息:',
        'password_ldap' => '此帳戶的密碼由 LDAP/AD 管理。若要更改您的密碼,請聯繫您的 IT 部門。 ',

    'deletefile' => array(
        'error'   => '刪除檔案失敗,請重試',
        'success' => '刪除檔案成功。',

    'upload' => array(
        'error'   => '上傳檔案失敗,請重試',
        'success' => '上傳檔案成功。',
        'nofiles' => '尚未選擇要上傳的檔案',
        'invalidfiles' => '一個或多個檔案太大或屬於不被允許的檔案類型。允許上傳的檔案類型:png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, txt。',

    'inventorynotification' => array(
        'error'   => '該用戶未設定email',
        'success' => '已就當前資產通知此用戶'