[ 'error' => 'Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la cusboonaysiiyay ', 'success' => 'Dejinta si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay', ], 'backup' => [ 'delete_confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad jeclaan lahayd inaad tirtirto faylka kaydka ah? Tallaabadan lama noqon karo. ', 'file_deleted' => 'Faylka kaabta ayaa si guul leh loo tirtiray ', 'generated' => 'Fayl cusub oo gurmad ah ayaa si guul leh loo abuuray', 'file_not_found' => 'Faylkaas kaydka ah ayaa laga waayay seerfarka.', 'restore_warning' => 'Haa, soo celi Waxaan qirayaa in tani ay dib u qori doonto xog kasta oo hadda ku jirta kaydka xogta. Tani waxay sidoo kale ka saari doontaa dhammaan isticmaalayaashaada jira (oo ay ku jirto adiga).', 'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?' ], 'purge' => [ 'error' => 'Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la nadiifinayo ', 'validation_failed' => 'Xaqiijinta nadiifintaadu waa khalad. Fadlan ku qor kelmadda "DELETE" sanduuqa xaqiijinta.', 'success' => 'Diiwaanada la tirtiray ayaa si guul leh loo nadiifiyay', ], 'mail' => [ 'sending' => 'Sending Test Email...', 'success' => 'Boostada waa la soo diray!', 'error' => 'Mail could not be sent.', 'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.' ], 'ldap' => [ 'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...', '500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.', 'error' => 'Something went wrong :(', 'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:', 'testing_authentication' => 'Testing LDAP Authentication...', 'authentication_success' => 'User authenticated against LDAP successfully!' ], 'webhook' => [ 'sending' => 'Sending :app test message...', 'success' => 'Your :webhook_name Integration works!', 'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ', 'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.', '500' => '500 Server Error.', 'error' => 'Something went wrong. :app responded with: :error_message', 'error_redirect' => 'ERROR: 301/302 :endpoint returns a redirect. For security reasons, we don’t follow redirects. Please use the actual endpoint.', 'error_misc' => 'Something went wrong. :( ', ] ];