
return array(

    'asset'             => 'Asset',
    'checkin'           => 'Checkin',
    'cost'              => 'Purchase Cost',
    'create'            => 'Create License',
    'date'              => 'Purchase Date',
    'depreciation'      => 'Depreciation',
    'expiration'        => 'Expiration Date',
    'maintained'        => 'Maintained',
    'name'              => 'Software Name',
    'no_depreciation'   => 'Do Not Depreciate',
    'notes'             => 'Notes',
    'order'             => 'Order No.',
    'purchase_order'    => 'Purchase Order Number',
    'reassignable'      => 'Reassignable',
    'remaining_seats'   => 'Remaining Seats',
    'seats'             => 'Seats',
    'serial'            => 'Serial',
    'supplier'          => 'Supplier',
    'termination_date'  => 'Termination Date',
    'to_email'          => 'Licensed to Email',
    'to_name'           => 'Licensed to Name',
    'update'            => 'Update License',
    'checkout_help'     => 'You must check a license out to a hardware asset or a person. You can select both, but the owner of the asset must match the person you\'re checking the asset out to.'