<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use App\Models\User; use Carbon\Carbon; class MergeUsersByUsername extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'snipeit:merge-users'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'This command allows you to merge the history of users. It looks for users without an email address as their username and merges them into the version that does have an email username.'; /** * Create a new command instance. * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { // Get the list of users who have an email address as their username $users = User::where('username', 'LIKE', '%@%')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get(); foreach ($users as $user) { $parts = explode("@", $user->username); $bad_users = User::where('username', '=', $parts[0])->whereNull('deleted_at')->with('assets', 'manager', 'userlog', 'licenses', 'consumables', 'accessories', 'managedLocations')->get(); foreach ($bad_users as $bad_user) { $this->info($bad_user->username.' ('.$bad_user->id.') will be merged into '.$user->username.' ('.$user->id.') '); // Walk the list of assets foreach ($bad_user->assets as $asset) { $this->info( 'Updating asset '.$asset->asset_tag.' '.$asset->id.' to user '.$user->id); $asset->assigned_to = $user->id; if (!$asset->save()) { $this->error( 'Could not update assigned_to field on asset '.$asset->asset_tag.' '.$asset->id.' to user '.$user->id); $this->error( 'Error saving: '.$asset->getErrors()); } } // Walk the list of licenses foreach ($bad_user->licenses as $license) { $this->info( 'Updating license '.$license->name.' '.$license->id.' to user '.$user->id); $bad_user->licenses()->updateExistingPivot($license->id, ['assigned_to' => $user->id]); } // Walk the list of consumables foreach ($bad_user->consumables as $consumable) { $this->info( 'Updating consumable '.$consumable->id.' to user '.$user->id); $bad_user->consumables()->updateExistingPivot($consumable->id, ['assigned_to' => $user->id]); } // Walk the list of accessories foreach ($bad_user->accessories as $accessory) { $this->info( 'Updating accessory '.$accessory->id.' to user '.$user->id); $bad_user->accessories()->updateExistingPivot($accessory->id, ['assigned_to' => $user->id]); } // Walk the list of logs foreach ($bad_user->userlog as $log) { $this->info( 'Updating action log record '.$log->id.' to user '.$user->id); $log->target_id = $user->id; $log->save(); } // Update any manager IDs $this->info( 'Updating managed user records to user '.$user->id); User::where('manager_id', '=', $bad_user->id)->update(['manager_id' => $user->id]); // Update location manager IDs foreach ($bad_user->managedLocations as $managedLocation) { $this->info( 'Updating managed location record '.$managedLocation->name.' to manager '.$user->id); $managedLocation->manager_id = $user->id; $managedLocation->save(); } // Mark the user as deleted $this->info( 'Marking the user as deleted'); $bad_user->deleted_at = Carbon::now()->timestamp; $bad_user->save(); } } } }