'An account with the this email already exists.', 'account_not_found' => 'The username or password is incorrect.', 'account_not_activated' => 'This user account is not activated.', 'account_suspended' => 'This user account is suspended.', 'account_banned' => 'This user account is banned.', 'throttle' => 'Too many failed login attempts. Please try again in :minutes minutes.', 'two_factor' => [ 'already_enrolled' => 'Your device is already enrolled.', 'success' => 'You have successfully logged in.', 'code_required' => 'Two-factor code is required.', 'invalid_code' => 'Two-factor code is invalid.', ], 'signin' => [ 'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to log you in, please try again.', 'success' => 'You have successfully logged in.', ], 'logout' => [ 'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to log you out, please try again.', 'success' => 'You have successfully logged out.', ], 'signup' => [ 'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to create your account, please try again.', 'success' => 'Account sucessfully created.', ], 'forgot-password' => [ 'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to get a reset password code, please try again.', 'success' => 'If that email address exists in our system, a password recovery email has been sent.', ], 'forgot-password-confirm' => [ 'error' => 'There was a problem while trying to reset your password, please try again.', 'success' => 'Your password has been successfully reset.', ], ];