module('Keyboard Navigation (All)', { setup: function(){ this.input = $('') .appendTo('#qunit-fixture') .datepicker({format: "dd-mm-yyyy"}) .focus(); // Activate for visibility checks this.dp ='datepicker') this.picker = this.dp.picker; }, teardown: function(){ this.picker.remove(); } }); test('TAB hides picker', function(){ var target; ok(':visible'), 'Picker is visible'); this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 9 }); ok(':not(:visible)'), 'Picker is hidden'); }); test('by day (right/left arrows) with daysOfWeekDisabled', function(){ var target; this.input.val('04-03-2013'); this.dp.setDaysOfWeekDisabled('0,6'); this.dp.update(); this.input.focus(); // Navigation: -1 day left arrow key this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 37 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2013, 2, 1)); }); test('by day (right/left arrows) with datesDisabled', function(){ var target; this.input.val('04-03-2013'); this.dp.setDatesDisabled(['05-03-2013']); this.dp.update(); this.input.focus(); // Navigation: +1 day right arrow key this.input.trigger({ type: 'keydown', keyCode: 39 }); datesEqual(this.dp.viewDate, UTCDate(2013, 2, 6)); });