
return array(

    'assets_user'       => 'Priskirta įranga :name',
    'bulk_update_warn'	=> 'You are about to edit the properties of :user_count users. Please note that you cannot change your own user attributes using this form, and must make edits to your own user individually.',
    'bulk_update_help'	=> 'This form allows you to update multiple users at once. Only fill in the fields you need to change. Any fields left blank will remain unchanged.',
    'current_assets'    => 'Šiam vartotojui priskirta įranga',
    'clone'             => 'Kopijuoti naudotoją',
    'contact_user'      => 'Susisiekti su :name',
    'edit'              => 'Redaguoti naudotoją',
    'filetype_info'     => 'Leidžiami dokumentų formatai png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, rar.',
    'history_user'      => ':name naudotojo istorija',
	'info'				=> 'Info',
    'last_login'        => 'Paskutinis prisijungimas',
    'ldap_config_text'  => 'LDAP configuration settings can be found Admin > Settings. The (optional) selected location will be set for all imported users.',
    'software_user'     => ':name išduota įranga',
    'view_user'         => 'Peržiūrėti :name vartotoją',
    'usercsv'           => 'CSV dokumentas',
    'two_factor_admin_optin_help' => 'Your current admin settings allow selective enforcement of two-factor authentication.  ',
    'two_factor_enrolled' => '2FA Device Enrolled ',
    'two_factor_active'   => '2FA Active ',