option('force')) { $confirmation = $this->confirm('WARNING: This command will make several attempts to connect to your LDAP server. Are you sure this is ok? (y/n)'); if(!$confirmation) { $this->error('ABORTING'); exit(-1); } } $settings = Setting::first(); //$this->line(print_r($settings,true)); $this->info("STAGE 1: Checking settings"); if(!$settings->ldap_enabled) { $this->error("WARNING: Snipe-IT's LDAP setting is not turned on. (That may be OK if you're still trying to figure out settings)"); } $ldap_conn = false; try { $ldap_conn = ldap_connect($settings->ldap_server); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error("WARNING: Exception caught when executing 'ldap_connect()' - ".$e->getMessage().". We will try to guess."); } if(!$ldap_conn) { $this->error("WARNING: LDAP Server setting of: ".$settings->ldap_server." cannot be parsed. We will try to guess."); //exit(-1); } $parsed = parse_url($settings->ldap_server); if(@$parsed['scheme'] != 'ldap' && @$parsed['scheme'] != 'ldaps') { $this->error("WARNING: LDAP URL Scheme of '".@$parsed['scheme']."' is probably incorrect; should usually be ldap or ldaps"); } if(!@$parsed['host']) { $this->error("ERROR: Cannot determine hostname or IP from ldap URL: ".$settings->ldap_server.". ABORTING."); exit(-1); } else { $this->info("Determined LDAP hostname to be: ".$parsed['host']); } $this->info("Performing DNS lookup of: ".$parsed['host']); $ips = dns_get_record($parsed['host']); $raw_ips = []; //$this->info("Host IP is: ".print_r($ips,true)); if(!$ips || count($ips) == 0) { $this->error("ERROR: DNS lookup of host: ".$parsed['host']." has failed. ABORTING."); exit(-1); } foreach($ips as $ip) { $raw_ips[]=$ip['ip']; if($ip['ip'] == "") { $this->error("WARNING: Using the localhost IP as the LDAP server. This is usually wrong"); } if(ip_in_range($ip['ip'],'') || ip_in_range($ip['ip'],'') || ip_in_range($ip['ip'], '')) { $this->error("WARNING: Using an RFC1918 Private address for LDAP server. This may be correct, but it can be a problem if your Snipe-IT instance is not hosted on your private network"); } } $this->info("STAGE 2: Checking basic network connectivity"); $ports = [389,636]; if(@$parsed['port'] && !in_array($parsed['port'],$ports)) { $ports[] = $parsed['port']; } $open_ports=[]; foreach($ports as $port ) { $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $timeout = 30.0; $result = ''; $this->info("Attempting to connect to port: ".$port." - may take up to $timeout seconds"); try { $result = fsockopen($parsed['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, 30.0); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->error("Exception: ".$e->getMessage()); } if($result) { $this->info("Success!"); $open_ports[] = $port; } else { $this->error("WARNING: Cannot connect to port: $port - $errstr ($errno)"); } } if(count($open_ports) == 0) { $this->error("ERROR - no open ports. ABORTING."); exit(-1); } $this->info("STAGE 3: Determine encryption algorithm, if any"); $ldap_urls = []; foreach($open_ports as $port) { $this->line("Trying TLS first for port $port"); $ldap_url = "ldaps://".$parsed['host'].":$port"; if($this->test_anonymous_bind($ldap_url)) { $this->info("Anonymous bind succesful to $ldap_url!"); $ldap_urls[] = [ $ldap_url, true, false ]; continue; // TODO - lots of copypasta in these if(test_anonymous_bind()) routines... } else { $this->error("WARNING: Failed to bind to $ldap_url - trying without certificate checks."); } if($this->test_anonymous_bind($ldap_url, false)) { $this->info("Anonymous bind succesful to $ldap_url with certifcate-checks disabled"); $ldap_urls[] = [ $ldap_url, false, false ]; continue; } else { $this->error("WARNING: Failed to bind to $ldap_url with certificate checks disabled. Trying unencrypted with STARTTLS"); } $ldap_url = "ldap://".$parsed['host'].":$port"; if($this->test_anonymous_bind($ldap_url, true, true)) { $this->info("Plain connection to $ldap_url with STARTTLS succesful!"); $ldap_urls[] = [ $ldap_url, true, false ]; continue; } else { $this->error("WARNING: Failed to bind to $ldap_url with STARTTLS enabled. Trying without STARTTLS"); } if($this->test_anonymous_bind($ldap_url)) { $this->info("Plain connection to $ldap_url succesful!"); $ldap_urls[] = [ $ldap_url, true, false ]; continue; } else { $this->error("WARNING: Failed to bind to $ldap_url. Giving up on port $port"); } } if(count($ldap_urls) > 0 ) { $this->info("Found working LDAP URL's: "); foreach($ldap_urls as $ldap_url) { // TODO maybe do this as a $this->table() instead? $this->info($ldap_url[0]. ($ldap_url[1] ? " certificate checks enabled" : " certificate checks disabled"). $ldap_url[2] ? " STARTTLS Enabled ": " STARTTLS Disabled"); } } } public function test_anonymous_bind($ldap_url, $check_cert = true, $start_tls = false) { try { $lconn = ldap_connect($ldap_url); if(!$check_cert) { ldap_set_option($lconn, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, 0); } if($start_tls) { if(!ldap_start_tls($lconn)) { $this->error("WARNING: Unable to start TLS"); return false; } } if(!$lconn) { $this->error("WARNING: Failed to generate connection string - using: ".$ldap_url); return false; } return ldap_bind($lconn); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error("WARNING: Exception caught during bind - ".$e->getMessage()); return false; } } }