SCIMUser::class, 'validations' => [ $user_prefix . 'userName' => 'required', $user_prefix . 'name.givenName' => 'required', $user_prefix . 'name.familyName' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'externalId' => 'string|nullable', $user_prefix . 'emails' => 'nullable|array', $user_prefix . 'emails.*.value' => 'email', $user_prefix . 'active' => 'boolean', $user_prefix . 'phoneNumbers' => 'nullable|array', $user_prefix . 'phoneNumbers.*.value' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'addresses' => 'nullable|array', $user_prefix . 'addresses.*.streetAddress' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'addresses.*.locality' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'addresses.*.region' => 'nullable|string', $user_prefix . 'addresses.*.postalCode' => 'nullable|string', $user_prefix . 'addresses.*.country' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'title' => 'string', $user_prefix . 'preferredLanguage' => 'string', // Enterprise validations: $enterprise_prefix . 'employeeNumber' => 'string', $enterprise_prefix . 'department' => 'string', $enterprise_prefix . 'manager' => 'nullable', $enterprise_prefix . 'manager.value' => 'string' ], 'singular' => 'User', 'schema' => [Schema::SCHEMA_USER], //eager loading 'withRelations' => [], 'map_unmapped' => false, // 'unmapped_namespace' => 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:laravel:unmapped', 'description' => 'User Account', // Map a SCIM attribute to an attribute of the object. 'mapping' => [ 'id' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("id")->disableWrite(), 'externalId' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('scim_externalid'), // FIXME - I have a PR that changes a lot of this. 'meta' => [ 'created' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("created_at")->disableWrite(), 'lastModified' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("updated_at")->disableWrite(), 'location' => (new AttributeMapping())->setRead( function ($object) { return route( 'scim.resource', [ 'resourceType' => 'Users', 'resourceObject' => $object->id ] ); } )->disableWrite(), 'resourceType' => AttributeMapping::constant("User") ], 'schemas' => AttributeMapping::constant( [ 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User', 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' ] )->ignoreWrite(), 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User' => [ 'userName' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("username"), 'name' => [ 'formatted' => (new AttributeMapping())->ignoreWrite()->setRead( function (&$object) { return $object->getFullNameAttribute(); } ), 'familyName' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("last_name"), 'givenName' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("first_name"), 'middleName' => null, 'honorificPrefix' => null, 'honorificSuffix' => null ], 'displayName' => null, 'nickName' => null, 'profileUrl' => null, 'title' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('jobtitle'), 'userType' => null, 'preferredLanguage' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('locale'), // Section 5.3.5 of [RFC7231] 'locale' => null, // see RFC5646 'timezone' => null, // see RFC6557 'active' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('activated'), 'password' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('password')->disableRead(), // Multi-Valued Attributes 'emails' => [[ "value" => AttributeMapping::eloquent("email"), "display" => null, "type" => AttributeMapping::constant("work")->ignoreWrite(), "primary" => AttributeMapping::constant(true)->ignoreWrite() ]], 'phoneNumbers' => [[ "value" => AttributeMapping::eloquent("phone"), "display" => null, "type" => AttributeMapping::constant("work")->ignoreWrite(), "primary" => AttributeMapping::constant(true)->ignoreWrite() ]], 'ims' => [[ "value" => null, "display" => null, "type" => null, "primary" => null ]], // Instant messaging addresses for the User 'photos' => [[ "value" => null, "display" => null, "type" => null, "primary" => null ]], 'addresses' => [[ 'type' => AttributeMapping::constant("work")->ignoreWrite(), 'formatted' => AttributeMapping::constant("n/a")->ignoreWrite(), // TODO - is this right? This doesn't look right. 'streetAddress' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("address"), 'locality' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("city"), 'region' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("state"), 'postalCode' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("zip"), 'country' => AttributeMapping::eloquent("country"), 'primary' => AttributeMapping::constant(true)->ignoreWrite() //this isn't in the example? ]], 'groups' => [[ 'value' => null, '$ref' => null, 'display' => null, 'type' => null, 'type' => null ]], 'entitlements' => null, 'roles' => null, 'x509Certificates' => null ], 'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User' => [ 'employeeNumber' => AttributeMapping::eloquent('employee_num'), 'department' => (new AttributeMapping())->setAdd( // FIXME parent? function ($value, &$object) { $department = Department::where("name", $value)->first(); if ($department) { $object->department_id = $department->id; } } )->setReplace( function ($value, &$object) { $department = Department::where("name", $value)->first(); if ($department) { $object->department_id = $department->id; } } )->setRead( function (&$object) { return $object->department ? $object->department->name : null; } ), 'manager' => [ // FIXME - manager writes are disabled. This kinda works but it leaks errors all over the place. Not cool. // '$ref' => (new AttributeMapping())->ignoreWrite()->ignoreRead(), // 'displayName' => (new AttributeMapping())->ignoreWrite()->ignoreRead(), // NOTE: you could probably do a 'plain' Eloquent mapping here, but we don't for future-proofing 'value' => (new AttributeMapping())->setAdd( function ($value, &$object) { $manager = User::find($value); if ($manager) { $object->manager_id = $manager->id; } } )->setReplace( function ($value, &$object) { $manager = User::find($value); if ($manager) { $object->manager_id = $manager->id; } } )->setRead( function (&$object) { return $object->manager_id; } ), ] ] ] ]; } }