[ 'error' => '更新過程中發生問題。', 'success' => '更新設定成功。', ], 'backup' => [ 'delete_confirm' => '您確定要刪除此備份檔嗎?此動作無法復原。', 'file_deleted' => '刪除備份檔成功。', 'generated' => '成功新增一個新的備份檔。', 'file_not_found' => '在伺服器上找不到備份檔', 'restore_warning' => 'Yes, restore it. I acknowledge that this will overwrite any existing data currently in the database. This will also log out all of your existing users (including you).', 'restore_confirm' => 'Are you sure you wish to restore your database from :filename?' ], 'purge' => [ 'error' => '清除過程中發生錯誤。', 'validation_failed' => '你的清除確認不正確,請在文字輸入欄位輸入"DELETE"。', 'success' => '已成功清除刪除記錄。', ], 'mail' => [ 'sending' => '正在發送測試郵件...', 'success' => 'Mail sent!', 'error' => '郵件無法發送', 'additional' => 'No additional error message provided. Check your mail settings and your app log.' ], 'ldap' => [ 'testing' => 'Testing LDAP Connection, Binding & Query ...', '500' => '500 Server Error. Please check your server logs for more information.', 'error' => 'Something went wrong :(', 'sync_success' => 'A sample of 10 users returned from the LDAP server based on your settings:', 'testing_authentication' => 'LDAP 授權測試中...', 'authentication_success' => '用戶成功透過 LDAP 驗證' ], 'slack' => [ 'sending' => 'Slack 測試訊息送出中...', 'success_pt1' => 'Success! Check the ', 'success_pt2' => ' channel for your test message, and be sure to click SAVE below to store your settings.', '500' => '500 Server Error.', 'error' => 'Something went wrong.', ] ];