* @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return View */ private static function getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect() { return redirect()->route('asset_maintenances') ->with('error', Lang::get('general.insufficient_permissions')); } /** * Returns a view that invokes the ajax tables which actually contains * the content for the asset maintenances listing, which is generated in getDatatable. * * @todo This should be replaced with middleware and/or policies * @see AssetMaintenancesController::getDatatable() method that generates the JSON response * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return View */ public function getIndex() { return View::make('asset_maintenances/index'); } /** * Generates the JSON response for asset maintenances listing view. * * @see AssetMaintenancesController::getIndex() method that generates view * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return String JSON */ public function getDatatable() { $maintenances = AssetMaintenance::with('asset', 'supplier', 'asset.company') ->whereNull('deleted_at'); if (Input::has('search')) { $maintenances = $maintenances->TextSearch(e(Input::get('search'))); } if (Input::has('offset')) { $offset = e(Input::get('offset')); } else { $offset = 0; } if (Input::has('limit')) { $limit = e(Input::get('limit')); } else { $limit = 50; } $allowed_columns = ['id','title','asset_maintenance_time','asset_maintenance_type','cost','start_date','completion_date','notes']; $order = Input::get('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $sort = in_array(Input::get('sort'), $allowed_columns) ? e(Input::get('sort')) : 'created_at'; $maintenances->orderBy($sort, $order); $maintenancesCount = $maintenances->count(); $maintenances = $maintenances->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get(); $rows = array(); $settings = Setting::getSettings(); foreach ($maintenances as $maintenance) { $actions = ''; if (($maintenance->cost) && ($maintenance->asset->assetloc) && ($maintenance->asset->assetloc->currency!='')) { $maintenance_cost = $maintenance->asset->assetloc->currency.$maintenance->cost; } else { $maintenance_cost = $settings->default_currency.$maintenance->cost; } $company = $maintenance->asset->company; $rows[] = array( 'id' => $maintenance->id, 'asset_name' => (string)link_to('/hardware/'.$maintenance->asset->id.'/view', $maintenance->asset->showAssetName()) , 'title' => $maintenance->title, 'notes' => $maintenance->notes, 'supplier' => $maintenance->supplier->name, 'cost' => $maintenance_cost, 'asset_maintenance_type' => e($maintenance->asset_maintenance_type), 'start_date' => $maintenance->start_date, 'asset_maintenance_time' => $maintenance->asset_maintenance_time, 'completion_date' => $maintenance->completion_date, 'actions' => $actions, 'companyName' => is_null($company) ? '' : $company->name ); } $data = array('total' => $maintenancesCount, 'rows' => $rows); return $data; } /** * Returns a form view to create a new asset maintenance. * * @see AssetMaintenancesController::postCreate() method that stores the data * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return mixed */ public function getCreate($assetId = null) { // Prepare Asset Maintenance Type List $assetMaintenanceType = [ '' => 'Select an asset maintenance type', ] + AssetMaintenance::getImprovementOptions(); // Mark the selected asset, if it came in $selectedAsset = $assetId; // Get the possible assets using a left join to get a list of assets and some other helpful info $asset = Company::scopeCompanyables(DB::table('assets'), 'assets.company_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'assets.assigned_to') ->leftJoin('models', 'assets.model_id', '=', 'models.id') ->select( 'assets.id', 'assets.name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'asset_tag', DB::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name) as full_name, assets.id as id, models.name as modelname') ) ->whereNull('assets.deleted_at') ->get(); $asset_array = json_decode(json_encode($asset), true); $asset_element[ '' ] = 'Please select an asset'; // Build a list out of the data results for ($x = 0; $x < count($asset_array); $x++) { if ($asset_array[ $x ][ 'full_name' ] != '') { $full_name = ' (' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'full_name' ] . ') ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'modelname' ]; } else { $full_name = ' (Unassigned) ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'modelname' ]; } $asset_element[ $asset_array[ $x ][ 'id' ] ] = $asset_array[ $x ][ 'asset_tag' ] . ' - ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'name' ] . $full_name; } // Get Supplier List $supplier_list = Helper::suppliersList(); // Render the view return View::make('asset_maintenances/edit') ->with('asset_list', $asset_element) ->with('selectedAsset', $selectedAsset) ->with('supplier_list', $supplier_list) ->with('assetMaintenanceType', $assetMaintenanceType) ->with('assetMaintenance', new AssetMaintenance); } /** * Validates and stores the new asset maintenance * * @see AssetMaintenancesController::getCreate() method for the form * @author Vincent Sposato * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return mixed */ public function postCreate() { // get the POST data $new = Input::all(); // create a new model instance $assetMaintenance = new AssetMaintenance(); if (e(Input::get('supplier_id')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->supplier_id = null; } else { $assetMaintenance->supplier_id = e(Input::get('supplier_id')); } if (e(Input::get('is_warranty')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->is_warranty = 0; } else { $assetMaintenance->is_warranty = e(Input::get('is_warranty')); } if (e(Input::get('cost')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->cost = ''; } else { $assetMaintenance->cost = e(Input::get('cost')); } if (e(Input::get('notes')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->notes = null; } else { $assetMaintenance->notes = e(Input::get('notes')); } $asset = Asset::find(e(Input::get('asset_id'))); if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } // Save the asset maintenance data $assetMaintenance->asset_id = e(Input::get('asset_id')); $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_type = e(Input::get('asset_maintenance_type')); $assetMaintenance->title = e(Input::get('title')); $assetMaintenance->start_date = e(Input::get('start_date')); $assetMaintenance->completion_date = e(Input::get('completion_date')); if (( $assetMaintenance->completion_date == "" ) || ( $assetMaintenance->completion_date == "0000-00-00" ) ) { $assetMaintenance->completion_date = null; } if (( $assetMaintenance->completion_date !== "" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->completion_date !== "0000-00-00" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->start_date !== "" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->start_date !== "0000-00-00" ) ) { $startDate = Carbon::parse($assetMaintenance->start_date); $completionDate = Carbon::parse($assetMaintenance->completion_date); $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time = $completionDate->diffInDays($startDate); } // Was the asset maintenance created? if ($assetMaintenance->save()) { // Redirect to the new asset maintenance page return Redirect::to("admin/asset_maintenances") ->with('success', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.create.success')); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($assetMaintenance->getErrors()); } /** * Returns a form view to edit a selected asset maintenance. * * @see AssetMaintenancesController::postEdit() method that stores the data * @author Vincent Sposato * @param int $assetMaintenanceId * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return mixed */ public function getEdit($assetMaintenanceId = null) { // Check if the asset maintenance exists if (is_null($assetMaintenance = AssetMaintenance::find($assetMaintenanceId))) { // Redirect to the improvement management page return Redirect::to('admin/asset_maintenances') ->with('error', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.not_found')); } elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($assetMaintenance->asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } if ($assetMaintenance->completion_date == '0000-00-00') { $assetMaintenance->completion_date = null; } if ($assetMaintenance->start_date == '0000-00-00') { $assetMaintenance->start_date = null; } if ($assetMaintenance->cost == '0.00') { $assetMaintenance->cost = null; } // Prepare Improvement Type List $assetMaintenanceType = [ '' => 'Select an improvement type', ] + AssetMaintenance::getImprovementOptions(); // Get the possible assets using a left join to get a list of assets and some other helpful info $asset = Company::scopeCompanyables(DB::table('assets'), 'assets.company_id') ->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'assets.assigned_to') ->leftJoin('models', 'assets.model_id', '=', 'models.id') ->select( 'assets.id', 'assets.name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'asset_tag', DB::raw('concat(first_name," ",last_name) as full_name, assets.id as id, models.name as modelname') ) ->whereNull('assets.deleted_at') ->get(); $asset_array = json_decode(json_encode($asset), true); $asset_element[ '' ] = 'Please select an asset'; // Build a list out of the data results for ($x = 0; $x < count($asset_array); $x++) { if ($asset_array[ $x ][ 'full_name' ] != '') { $full_name = ' (' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'full_name' ] . ') ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'modelname' ]; } else { $full_name = ' (Unassigned) ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'modelname' ]; } $asset_element[ $asset_array[ $x ][ 'id' ] ] = $asset_array[ $x ][ 'asset_tag' ] . ' - ' . $asset_array[ $x ][ 'name' ] . $full_name; } // Get Supplier List $supplier_list = Helper::suppliersList(); // Render the view return View::make('asset_maintenances/edit') ->with('asset_list', $asset_element) ->with('selectedAsset', null) ->with('supplier_list', $supplier_list) ->with('assetMaintenanceType', $assetMaintenanceType) ->with('assetMaintenance', $assetMaintenance); } /** * Validates and stores an update to an asset maintenance * * @see AssetMaintenancesController::postEdit() method that stores the data * @author Vincent Sposato * @param int $assetMaintenanceId * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return mixed */ public function postEdit($assetMaintenanceId = null) { // get the POST data $new = Input::all(); // Check if the asset maintenance exists if (is_null($assetMaintenance = AssetMaintenance::find($assetMaintenanceId))) { // Redirect to the asset maintenance management page return Redirect::to('admin/asset_maintenances') ->with('error', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.not_found')); } elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($assetMaintenance->asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } if (e(Input::get('supplier_id')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->supplier_id = null; } else { $assetMaintenance->supplier_id = e(Input::get('supplier_id')); } if (e(Input::get('is_warranty')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->is_warranty = 0; } else { $assetMaintenance->is_warranty = e(Input::get('is_warranty')); } if (e(Input::get('cost')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->cost = ''; } else { $assetMaintenance->cost = e(Input::get('cost')); } if (e(Input::get('notes')) == '') { $assetMaintenance->notes = null; } else { $assetMaintenance->notes = e(Input::get('notes')); } $asset = Asset::find(e(Input::get('asset_id'))); if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } // Save the asset maintenance data $assetMaintenance->asset_id = e(Input::get('asset_id')); $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_type = e(Input::get('asset_maintenance_type')); $assetMaintenance->title = e(Input::get('title')); $assetMaintenance->start_date = e(Input::get('start_date')); $assetMaintenance->completion_date = e(Input::get('completion_date')); if (( $assetMaintenance->completion_date == "" ) || ( $assetMaintenance->completion_date == "0000-00-00" ) ) { $assetMaintenance->completion_date = null; if (( $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time !== 0 ) || ( !is_null($assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time) ) ) { $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time = null; } } if (( $assetMaintenance->completion_date !== "" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->completion_date !== "0000-00-00" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->start_date !== "" ) && ( $assetMaintenance->start_date !== "0000-00-00" ) ) { $startDate = Carbon::parse($assetMaintenance->start_date); $completionDate = Carbon::parse($assetMaintenance->completion_date); $assetMaintenance->asset_maintenance_time = $completionDate->diffInDays($startDate); } // Was the asset maintenance created? if ($assetMaintenance->save()) { // Redirect to the new asset maintenance page return Redirect::to("admin/asset_maintenances") ->with('success', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.create.success')); } return Redirect::back() ->withInput()->withErrors($assetMaintenance->getErrors()); } /** * Delete an asset maintenance * * @author Vincent Sposato * @param int $assetMaintenanceId * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return mixed */ public function getDelete($assetMaintenanceId) { // Check if the asset maintenance exists if (is_null($assetMaintenance = AssetMaintenance::find($assetMaintenanceId))) { // Redirect to the asset maintenance management page return Redirect::to('admin/asset_maintenances') ->with('error', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.not_found')); } elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($assetMaintenance->asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } // Delete the asset maintenance $assetMaintenance->delete(); // Redirect to the asset_maintenance management page return Redirect::to('admin/asset_maintenances') ->with('success', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.delete.success')); } /** * View an asset maintenance * * @author Vincent Sposato * @param int $assetMaintenanceId * @version v1.0 * @since [v1.8] * @return View */ public function getView($assetMaintenanceId) { // Check if the asset maintenance exists if (is_null($assetMaintenance = AssetMaintenance::find($assetMaintenanceId))) { // Redirect to the asset maintenance management page return Redirect::to('admin/asset_maintenances') ->with('error', Lang::get('admin/asset_maintenances/message.not_found')); } elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($assetMaintenance->asset)) { return static::getInsufficientPermissionsRedirect(); } return View::make('asset_maintenances/view')->with('assetMaintenance', $assetMaintenance); } }