
namespace App\Models\Labels;

abstract class Sheet extends Label
    protected int $indexOffset = 0;

    public function getWidth()        { return $this->getPageWidth(); }
    public function getHeight()       { return $this->getPageHeight(); }
    public function getMarginTop()    { return $this->getPageMarginTop(); }
    public function getMarginBottom() { return $this->getPageMarginBottom(); }
    public function getMarginLeft()   { return $this->getPageMarginLeft(); }
    public function getMarginRight()  { return $this->getPageMarginRight(); }

     * Returns the page width in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageWidth();

     * Returns the page height in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageHeight();

     * Returns the page top margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageMarginTop();

     * Returns the page bottom margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageMarginBottom();

     * Returns the page left margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageMarginLeft();

     * Returns the page right margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getPageMarginRight();

     * Returns the page width in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelWidth();

     * Returns each label's height in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelHeight();

     * Returns each label's top margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelMarginTop();

     * Returns each label's bottom margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelMarginBottom();

     * Returns each label's left margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelMarginLeft();

     * Returns each label's right margin in getUnit() units
     * @return float
    public abstract function getLabelMarginRight();

     * Returns the number of labels each page supports
     * @return int
    public abstract function getLabelsPerPage();

     * Returns label position based on its index
     * @param  int  $index
     * @return array  [x,y]
    public abstract function getLabelPosition(int $index);

     * Returns the border to draw around labels
     * @return int
    public abstract function getLabelBorder();

     * Handle the data here. Override for multiple-per-page handling
     * @param  TCPDF       $pdf   The TCPDF instance
     * @param  Collection  $data  The data
    public function writeAll($pdf, $data) {
        $prevPageNumber = -1;
        foreach ($data->toArray() as $recordIndex => $record) {

            $pageNumber = (int)($recordIndex / $this->getLabelsPerPage());
            if ($pageNumber != $prevPageNumber) {
                $prevPageNumber = $pageNumber;

            $pageIndex = $recordIndex - ($this->getLabelsPerPage() * $pageNumber);
            $position = $this->getLabelPosition($pageIndex);
            $this->write($pdf, $data->get($recordIndex));
            $template = $pdf->EndTemplate();

            $pdf->printTemplate($template, $position[0], $position[1]);
            if ($this->getLabelBorder()) {
                $prevLineWidth = $pdf->GetLineWidth();

                $borderThickness = $this->getLabelBorder();
                $borderOffset = $borderThickness / 2;
                $borderX = $position[0]- $borderOffset;
                $borderY = $position[1] - $borderOffset;
                $borderW = $this->getLabelWidth() + $borderThickness;
                $borderH = $this->getLabelHeight() + $borderThickness;

                $pdf->Rect($borderX, $borderY, $borderW, $borderH);

     * Returns each label's orientation as a string.
     * 'L' = Landscape
     * 'P' = Portrait
     * @return string
    public final function getLabelOrientation() {
        return ($this->getLabelWidth() >= $this->getLabelHeight()) ? 'L' : 'P';

     * Returns each label's printable area as an object.
     * @return object [ 'x1'=>0.00, 'y1'=>0.00, 'x2'=>0.00, 'y2'=>0.00, 'w'=>0.00, 'h'=>0.00 ]
    public final function getLabelPrintableArea() {
        return (object)[
            'x1' => $this->getLabelMarginLeft(),
            'y1' => $this->getLabelMarginTop(),
            'x2' => $this->getLabelWidth() - $this->getLabelMarginRight(),
            'y2' => $this->getLabelHeight() - $this->getLabelMarginBottom(),
            'w'  => $this->getLabelWidth() - $this->getLabelMarginLeft() - $this->getLabelMarginRight(),
            'h'  => $this->getLabelHeight() - $this->getLabelMarginTop() - $this->getLabelMarginBottom(),

     * Returns label index offset (skip positions)
     * @return int
    public function getLabelIndexOffset() { return $this->indexOffset; }

     * Sets label index offset (skip positions)
     * @param  int  $offset
    public function setLabelIndexOffset(int $offset) { $this->indexOffset = $offset; }
