#### Expected Behavior (or desired behavior if a feature request) (what you expect to happen goes here) ----- #### Actual Behavior (what actually happens goes here) ----- #### Please confirm you have done the following before posting your bug report: - [ ] I have enabled debug mode - [ ] I have read [checked the Common Issues page](http://docs.snipeitapp.com/common-issues.html) ----- #### Please provide answers to these questions before posting your bug report: - Version of Snipe-IT you're running - What OS and web server you're running Snipe-IT on - What method you used to install Snipe-IT (install.sh, manual installation, docker, etc) - If you're getting an error in your browser, include that error - What specific Snipe-IT page you're on, and what specific element you're interacting with to trigger the error - If a stacktrace is provided in the error, include that too. - Any errors that appear in your browser's error console. - Confirm whether the error is [reproduceable on the demo](https://snipeitapp.com/demo). - Include any additional information you can find in `app/storage/logs` and your webserver's logs. - Include what you've done so far in the installation, and if you got any error messages along the way. - Indicate whether or not you've manually edited any data directly in the database