middleware('guest'); $this->middleware('throttle:10,1'); } protected function rules() { return [ 'token' => 'required', 'username' => 'required', 'password' => 'confirmed|'.Setting::passwordComplexityRulesSaving('store'), ]; } protected function credentials(Request $request) { return $request->only( 'username', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token' ); } public function showResetForm(Request $request, $token = null) { $credentials = $request->only('email', 'token'); if (is_null($this->broker()->getUser($credentials))) { Log::debug('Password reset form FAILED - this token is not valid.'); return redirect()->route('password.request')->with('error', trans('passwords.token')); } return view('auth.passwords.reset')->with( [ 'token' => $token, 'username' => $request->input('username'), ] ); } public function reset(Request $request) { $broker = $this->broker(); $messages = [ 'password.not_in' => trans('validation.disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields'), ]; $request->validate($this->rules()); Log::debug('Checking if '.$request->input('username').' exists'); // Check to see if the user even exists - we'll treat the response the same to prevent user sniffing if ($user = User::where('username', '=', $request->input('username'))->where('activated', '1')->whereNotNull('email')->first()) { Log::debug($user->username.' exists'); // handle the password validation rules set by the admin settings if (strpos(Setting::passwordComplexityRulesSaving('store'), 'disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields') !== false) { $request->validate( [ 'password' => 'required|notIn:["'.$user->email.'","'.$user->username.'","'.$user->first_name.'","'.$user->last_name.'"', ], $messages); } if ($user->ldap_import != '1') { // set the response $response = $broker->reset( $this->credentials($request), function ($user, $password) { $this->resetPassword($user, $password); }); // Check if the password reset above actually worked if ($response == \Password::PASSWORD_RESET) { Log::debug('Password reset for ' . $user->username . ' worked'); return redirect()->guest('login')->with('success', trans('passwords.reset')); } Log::debug('Password reset for ' . $user->username . ' FAILED - this user exists but the token is not valid'); return redirect()->back()->withInput($request->only('email'))->with('success', trans('passwords.reset')); } } Log::debug('Password reset for '.$request->input('username').' FAILED - user does not exist or does not have an email address - but make it look like it succeeded'); return redirect()->guest('login')->with('success', trans('passwords.reset')); } }