
namespace Tests\Unit;

use Tests\TestCase;

class SnipeTranslatorTest extends TestCase
    // the 'meatiest' of these tests will explicitly choose non-English as the language, because otherwise
    // the fallback-logic (which is to fall-back to 'en-US') will be conflated in with the translation logic

    // WARNING: If these translation strings are updated, these tests will start to fail. Update them as appropriate.

    public function testBasic()
        $this->assertEquals('This user has admin privileges',trans('general.admin_tooltip',[],'en-US'));

    public function testPortuguese()

    public function testFallback()
            'This user has admin privileges',
            "Nonexistent locale should fall-back to en-US"

    public function testBackupString()
            'Ingen sikkerhetskopier ble gjort ennå',
            "Norwegian 'no backups info' message should be here"

    public function testBackupFallback()
            'No backups were made yet',
            "'no backups info' string should fallback to 'en'"


    public function testTransChoiceSingular()
            '1 Consumível',

    public function testTransChoicePlural()
            '2 Consumíveis',

    public function testTotallyBogusKey()
            "Translating a completely bogus key should at least just return back that key"

    public function testReplacements() {
            'Artigos alocados a Some Name Here',
            trans('admin/users/general.assets_user',['name' => 'Some Name Here'],'pt-PT'),
            "Text should get replaced in translations when given"

    public function testNonlegacyBackupLocale() {
        //Spatie backup *usually* uses two-character locales, but pt-BR is an exception
            'Mensagem de exceção: MESSAGE',
            trans('backup::notifications.exception_message',['message' => 'MESSAGE'],'pt-BR')