<?php namespace Tests\Unit; use Tests\TestCase; class SnipeTranslatorTest extends TestCase { // the 'meatiest' of these tests will explicitly choose non-English as the language, because otherwise // the fallback-logic (which is to fall-back to 'en-US') will be conflated in with the translation logic // WARNING: If these translation strings are updated, these tests will start to fail. Update them as appropriate. public function testBasic() { $this->assertEquals('This user has admin privileges',trans('general.admin_tooltip',[],'en-US')); } public function testPortuguese() { $this->assertEquals('Acessório',trans('general.accessory',[],'pt-PT')); } public function testFallback() { $this->assertEquals( 'This user has admin privileges', trans('general.admin_tooltip',[],'xx-ZZ'), "Nonexistent locale should fall-back to en-US" ); } public function testBackupString() { $this->assertEquals( 'Ingen sikkerhetskopier ble gjort ennå', trans('backup::notifications.no_backups_info',[],'nb-NO'), "Norwegian 'no backups info' message should be here" ); } public function testBackupFallback() { $this->assertEquals( 'No backups were made yet', trans('backup::notifications.no_backups_info',[],'xx-ZZ'), "'no backups info' string should fallback to 'en'" ); } public function testTransChoiceSingular() { $this->assertEquals( '1 Consumível', trans_choice('general.countable.consumables',1,[],'pt-PT') ); } public function testTransChoicePlural() { $this->assertEquals( '2 Consumíveis', trans_choice('general.countable.consumables',2,[],'pt-PT') ); } public function testTotallyBogusKey() { $this->assertEquals( 'bogus_key', trans('bogus_key',[],'pt-PT'), "Translating a completely bogus key should at least just return back that key" ); } public function testReplacements() { $this->assertEquals( 'Artigos alocados a Some Name Here', trans('admin/users/general.assets_user',['name' => 'Some Name Here'],'pt-PT'), "Text should get replaced in translations when given" ); } public function testNonlegacyBackupLocale() { //Spatie backup *usually* uses two-character locales, but pt-BR is an exception $this->assertEquals( 'Mensagem de exceção: MESSAGE', trans('backup::notifications.exception_message',['message' => 'MESSAGE'],'pt-BR') ); } }