<?php class AssetsCest { public function _before(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->amOnPage('/login'); $I->fillField('username', 'snipeit'); $I->fillField('password', 'snipeit'); $I->click('Login'); } // tests public function tryToTest(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('ensure that the create assets form loads without errors'); $I->lookForwardTo('seeing it load without errors'); $I->amOnPage(route('hardware.create')); $I->dontSee('Create Asset', '.page-header'); $I->see('Create Asset', 'h1.pull-left'); } public function failsEmptyValidation(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo("Test Validation Fails with blank elements"); $I->amOnPage(route('hardware.create')); $I->click('Save'); $I->seeElement('.alert-danger'); $I->see('The asset tag field is required.', '.alert-msg'); $I->see('The model id field is required.', '.alert-msg'); $I->see('The status id field is required.', '.alert-msg'); } public function passesCreateAndCheckout(FunctionalTester $I) { $asset = factory(App\Models\Asset::class)->make(); $userId = $I->getUserId(); $values = [ 'company_id' => $asset->company_id, 'asset_tag' => $asset->asset_tag, 'model_id' => $asset->model_id, 'status_id' => $asset->status_id, 'assigned_user' => $userId, 'serial' => $asset->serial, 'name' => $asset->name, 'purchase_date' => '2016-01-01', 'supplier_id' => $asset->supplier_id, 'order_number' => $asset->order_number, 'purchase_cost' => $asset->purchase_cost, 'warranty_months' => $asset->warranty_months, 'notes' => $asset->notes, 'rtd_location_id' => $asset->rtd_location_id, 'requestable' => $asset->requestable, ]; $seenValues = [ 'company_id' => $asset->company_id, 'asset_tag' => $asset->asset_tag, 'model_id' => $asset->model_id, 'status_id' => $asset->status_id, 'assigned_to' => $userId, 'assigned_type' => 'App\\Models\\User', 'serial' => $asset->serial, 'name' => $asset->name, 'purchase_date' => '2016-01-01', 'supplier_id' => $asset->supplier_id, 'order_number' => $asset->order_number, 'purchase_cost' => $asset->purchase_cost, 'warranty_months' => $asset->warranty_months, 'notes' => $asset->notes, 'rtd_location_id' => $asset->rtd_location_id, 'requestable' => $asset->requestable, ]; $I->wantTo("Test Validation Succeeds"); $I->amOnPage(route('hardware.create')); $I->submitForm('form#create-form', $values); $I->seeRecord('assets', $seenValues); $I->dontSeeElement('.alert-danger'); // We should check for success, but we can't because of the stupid ajaxy way I did things. FIXME when the asset form is rewritten. } public function allowsDelete(FunctionalTester $I) { $I->wantTo('Ensure I can delete an asset'); $I->sendDelete(route('hardware.destroy', $I->getAssetId()), ['_token' => csrf_token()]); $I->seeResponseCodeIs(200); } }