<?php namespace App\Importer; use App\Models\AssetModel; use App\Models\Category; use App\Models\Company; use App\Models\Location; use App\Models\Manufacturer; use App\Models\Statuslabel; use App\Models\Supplier; use App\Models\User; use Carbon\CarbonImmutable; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; class ItemImporter extends Importer { protected $item; public function __construct($filename) { parent::__construct($filename); } protected function handle($row) { // Need to reset this between iterations or we'll have stale data. $this->item = []; $item_category = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'category'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_category)) { $this->item['category_id'] = $this->createOrFetchCategory($item_category); } $item_company_name = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'company'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_company_name)) { $this->item['company_id'] = $this->createOrFetchCompany($item_company_name); } $item_location = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'location'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_location)) { $this->item['location_id'] = $this->createOrFetchLocation($item_location); } $item_manufacturer = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'manufacturer'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_manufacturer)) { $this->item['manufacturer_id'] = $this->createOrFetchManufacturer($item_manufacturer); } $item_status_name = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'status'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_status_name)) { $this->item['status_id'] = $this->createOrFetchStatusLabel($item_status_name); } $item_supplier = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'supplier'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_supplier)) { $this->item['supplier_id'] = $this->createOrFetchSupplier($item_supplier); } $item_department = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'department'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_department)) { $this->item['department_id'] = $this->createOrFetchDepartment($item_department); } $item_manager_first_name = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'manager_first_name'); $item_manager_last_name = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'manager_last_name'); if ($this->shouldUpdateField($item_manager_first_name)) { $this->item['manager_id'] = $this->fetchManager($item_manager_first_name, $item_manager_last_name); } $this->item['name'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'item_name'); $this->item['notes'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'notes'); $this->item['order_number'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'order_number'); $this->item['purchase_cost'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'purchase_cost'); $this->item['purchase_date'] = null; if ($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'purchase_date') != '') { $this->item['purchase_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'purchase_date'))); } $this->item['last_audit_date'] = null; if ($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'last_audit_date') != '') { $this->item['last_audit_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'last_audit_date'))); } $this->item['next_audit_date'] = null; if ($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'next_audit_date') != '') { $this->item['next_audit_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'next_audit_date'))); } $this->item['asset_eol_date'] = null; if($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'asset_eol_date') != '') { $csvMatch = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'asset_eol_date'); try { $this->item['asset_eol_date'] = CarbonImmutable::parse($csvMatch)->format('Y-m-d'); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::info($e->getMessage()); $this->log('Unable to parse date: '.$csvMatch); } } $this->item['qty'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'quantity'); $this->item['requestable'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'requestable'); $this->item['user_id'] = $this->user_id; $this->item['serial'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'serial'); // NO need to call this method if we're running the user import. // TODO: Merge these methods. $this->item['checkout_class'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'checkout_class'); if (get_class($this) !== UserImporter::class) { // $this->item["user"] = $this->createOrFetchUser($row); $this->item['checkout_target'] = $this->determineCheckout($row); } } /** * Parse row to determine what (if anything) we should checkout to. * @param array $row CSV Row being parsed * @return ?SnipeModel Model to be checked out to */ protected function determineCheckout($row) { // Locations don't get checked out to anyone/anything if (get_class($this) == LocationImporter::class) { return; } if (strtolower($this->item['checkout_class']) === 'location' && $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'checkout_location') != null ) { return Location::findOrFail($this->createOrFetchLocation($this->findCsvMatch($row, 'checkout_location'))); } return $this->createOrFetchUser($row); } /** * Cleanup the $item array before storing. * We need to remove any values that are not part of the fillable fields. * Also, if updating, we remove any fields from the array that are empty. * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 4.0 * @param $model SnipeModel Model that's being updated. * @param $updating boolean Should we remove blank values? * @return array */ protected function sanitizeItemForStoring($model, $updating = false) { // Create a collection for all manipulations to come. $item = collect($this->item); // First Filter the item down to the model's fillable fields $item = $item->only($model->getFillable()); // Then iterate through the item and, if we are updating, remove any blank values. if ($updating) { $item = $item->reject(function ($value) { return empty($value); }); } return $item->toArray(); } /** * Convenience function for updating that strips the empty values. * @param $model SnipeModel Model that's being updated. * @return array */ protected function sanitizeItemForUpdating($model) { return $this->sanitizeItemForStoring($model, true); } /** * Determines if a field needs updating * Follows the following rules: * If we are not updating, we should update the field * If We are updating, we only update the field if it's not empty. * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 4.0 * @param $field string * @return bool */ protected function shouldUpdateField($field) { if (empty($field)) { return false; } return ! ($this->updating && empty($field)); } /** * Select the asset model if it exists, otherwise create it. * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param array * @param $row Row * @return int Id of asset model created/found * @internal param $asset_modelno string */ public function createOrFetchAssetModel(array $row) { $condition = array(); $asset_model_name = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'asset_model'); $asset_modelNumber = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'model_number'); // TODO: At the moment, this means we can't update the model number if the model name stays the same. if (! $this->shouldUpdateField($asset_model_name)) { return; } if ((empty($asset_model_name)) && (! empty($asset_modelNumber))) { $asset_model_name = $asset_modelNumber; } elseif ((empty($asset_model_name)) && (empty($asset_modelNumber))) { $asset_model_name = 'Unknown'; } if ((!empty($asset_model_name)) && (empty($asset_modelNumber))) { $condition[] = ['name', '=', $asset_model_name]; } elseif ((!empty($asset_model_name)) && (!empty($asset_modelNumber))) { $condition[] = ['name', '=', $asset_model_name]; $condition[] = ['model_number', '=', $asset_modelNumber]; } $editingModel = $this->updating; $asset_model = AssetModel::where($condition)->first(); if ($asset_model) { if (! $this->updating) { $this->log('A matching model already exists, returning it.'); return $asset_model->id; } $this->log('Matching Model found, updating it.'); $item = $this->sanitizeItemForStoring($asset_model, $editingModel); $item['name'] = $asset_model_name; $item['notes'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'model_notes'); if(!empty($asset_modelNumber)){ $item['model_number'] = $asset_modelNumber; } $asset_model->update($item); $asset_model->save(); $this->log('Asset Model Updated'); return $asset_model->id; } $this->log('No Matching Model, Creating a new one'); $asset_model = new AssetModel(); $item = $this->sanitizeItemForStoring($asset_model, $editingModel); $item['name'] = $asset_model_name; $item['model_number'] = $asset_modelNumber; $item['notes'] = $this->findCsvMatch($row, 'model_notes'); $asset_model->fill($item); $item = null; if ($asset_model->save()) { $this->log('Asset Model '.$asset_model_name.' with model number '.$asset_modelNumber.' was created'); return $asset_model->id; } $this->logError($asset_model, 'Asset Model "'.$asset_model_name.'"'); return null; } /** * Finds a category with the same name and item type in the database, otherwise creates it * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param $asset_category string * @return int Id of category created/found * @internal param string $item_type */ public function createOrFetchCategory($asset_category) { // Magic to transform "AssetImporter" to "asset" or similar. $classname = class_basename(get_class($this)); $item_type = strtolower(substr($classname, 0, strpos($classname, 'Importer'))); if (empty($asset_category)) { $asset_category = 'Unnamed Category'; } $category = Category::where(['name' => $asset_category, 'category_type' => $item_type])->first(); if ($category) { $this->log('A matching category: '.$asset_category.' already exists'); return $category->id; } $category = new Category(); $category->name = $asset_category; $category->category_type = $item_type; $category->user_id = $this->user_id; if ($category->save()) { $this->log('Category '.$asset_category.' was created'); return $category->id; } $this->logError($category, 'Category "'. $asset_category. '"'); return null; } /** * Fetch an existing company, or create new if it doesn't exist * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param $asset_company_name string * @return int id of company created/found */ public function createOrFetchCompany($asset_company_name) { $company = Company::where(['name' => $asset_company_name])->first(); if ($company) { $this->log('A matching Company '.$asset_company_name.' already exists'); return $company->id; } $company = new Company(); $company->name = $asset_company_name; if ($company->save()) { $this->log('Company '.$asset_company_name.' was created'); return $company->id; } $this->logError($company, 'Company'); return null; } /** * Fetch an existing manager * * @author A. Gianotto * @since 4.6.5 * @param $user_manager string * @return int id of company created/found */ public function fetchManager($user_manager_first_name, $user_manager_last_name) { $manager = User::where('first_name', '=', $user_manager_first_name) ->where('last_name', '=', $user_manager_last_name)->first(); if ($manager) { $this->log('A matching Manager '.$user_manager_first_name.' '.$user_manager_last_name.' already exists'); return $manager->id; } $this->log('No matching Manager '.$user_manager_first_name.' '.$user_manager_last_name.' found. If their user account is being created through this import, you should re-process this file again. '); return null; } /** * Fetch the existing status label or create new if it doesn't exist. * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param string $asset_statuslabel_name * @return Statuslabel|null */ public function createOrFetchStatusLabel($asset_statuslabel_name) { if (empty($asset_statuslabel_name)) { return null; } $status = Statuslabel::where(['name' => $asset_statuslabel_name])->first(); if ($status) { $this->log('A matching Status '.$asset_statuslabel_name.' already exists'); return $status->id; } $this->log('Creating a new status'); $status = new Statuslabel(); $status->name = $asset_statuslabel_name; $status->deployable = 1; $status->pending = 0; $status->archived = 0; if ($status->save()) { $this->log('Status '.$asset_statuslabel_name.' was created'); return $status->id; } $this->logError($status, 'Status "'.$asset_statuslabel_name.'"'); return null; } /** * Finds a manufacturer with matching name, otherwise create it. * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param $item_manufacturer string * @return Manufacturer */ public function createOrFetchManufacturer($item_manufacturer) { if (empty($item_manufacturer)) { $item_manufacturer = 'Unknown'; } $manufacturer = Manufacturer::where(['name'=> $item_manufacturer])->first(); if ($manufacturer) { $this->log('Manufacturer '.$item_manufacturer.' already exists'); return $manufacturer->id; } //Otherwise create a manufacturer. $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $manufacturer->name = $item_manufacturer; $manufacturer->user_id = $this->user_id; if ($manufacturer->save()) { $this->log('Manufacturer '.$manufacturer->name.' was created'); return $manufacturer->id; } $this->logError($manufacturer, 'Manufacturer "'.$manufacturer->name.'"'); return null; } /** * Checks the DB to see if a location with the same name exists, otherwise create it * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param $asset_location string * @return Location|null */ public function createOrFetchLocation($asset_location) { if (empty($asset_location)) { $this->log('No location given, so none created.'); return null; } $location = Location::where(['name' => $asset_location])->first(); if ($location) { $this->log('Location '.$asset_location.' already exists'); return $location->id; } // No matching locations in the collection, create a new one. $location = new Location(); $location->name = $asset_location; $location->address = ''; $location->city = ''; $location->state = ''; $location->country = ''; $location->user_id = $this->user_id; if ($location->save()) { $this->log('Location '.$asset_location.' was created'); return $location->id; } $this->logError($location, 'Location'); return null; } /** * Fetch an existing supplier or create new if it doesn't exist * * @author Daniel Melzter * @since 3.0 * @param $row array * @return Supplier */ public function createOrFetchSupplier($item_supplier) { if (empty($item_supplier)) { $item_supplier = 'Unknown'; } $supplier = Supplier::where(['name' => $item_supplier])->first(); if ($supplier) { $this->log('Supplier '.$item_supplier.' already exists'); return $supplier->id; } $supplier = new Supplier(); $supplier->name = $item_supplier; $supplier->user_id = $this->user_id; if ($supplier->save()) { $this->log('Supplier '.$item_supplier.' was created'); return $supplier->id; } $this->logError($supplier, 'Supplier'); return null; } }