ldap_username_field; $ldap_result_last_name = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_lname_field; $ldap_result_first_name = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_fname_field; $ldap_result_active_flag = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_active_flag_field; $ldap_result_emp_num = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_emp_num; $ldap_result_email = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_email; try { $ldapconn = Ldap::connectToLdap(); Ldap::bindAdminToLdap($ldapconn); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->option('json_summary')) { $json_summary = [ "error" => true, "error_message" => $e->getMessage(), "summary" => [] ]; $this->info(json_encode($json_summary)); } LOG::error($e); return []; } $summary = array(); try { if ($this->option('base_dn') != '') { $search_base = $this->option('base_dn'); LOG::debug('Importing users from specified base DN: \"'.$search_base.'\".'); } else { $search_base = null; } $results = Ldap::findLdapUsers($search_base); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->option('json_summary')) { $json_summary = [ "error" => true, "error_message" => $e->getMessage(), "summary" => [] ]; $this->info(json_encode($json_summary)); } LOG::error($e); return []; } /* Determine which location to assign users to by default. */ $location = NULL; if ($this->option('location')!='') { $location = Location::where('name', '=', $this->option('location'))->first(); LOG::debug('Location name '.$this->option('location').' passed'); LOG::debug('Importing to '.$location->name.' ('.$location->id.')'); } elseif ($this->option('location_id')!='') { $location = Location::where('id', '=', $this->option('location_id'))->first(); LOG::debug('Location ID '.$this->option('location_id').' passed'); LOG::debug('Importing to '.$location->name.' ('.$location->id.')'); } if (!isset($location)) { LOG::debug('That location is invalid or a location was not provided, so no location will be assigned by default.'); } /* Process locations with explicitly defined OUs, if doing a full import. */ if ($this->option('base_dn')=='') { // Retrieve locations with a mapped OU, and sort them from the shallowest to deepest OU (see #3993) $ldap_ou_locations = Location::where('ldap_ou', '!=', '')->get()->toArray(); $ldap_ou_lengths = array(); foreach ($ldap_ou_locations as $location) { $ldap_ou_lengths[] = strlen($location["ldap_ou"]); } array_multisort($ldap_ou_lengths, SORT_ASC, $ldap_ou_locations); if (sizeof($ldap_ou_locations) > 0) { LOG::debug('Some locations have special OUs set. Locations will be automatically set for users in those OUs.'); } // Inject location information fields for ($i = 0; $i < $results["count"]; $i++) { $results[$i]["ldap_location_override"] = false; $results[$i]["location_id"] = 0; } // Grab subsets based on location-specific DNs, and overwrite location for these users. foreach ($ldap_ou_locations as $ldap_loc) { $location_users = Ldap::findLdapUsers($ldap_loc["ldap_ou"]); $usernames = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $location_users["count"]; $i++) { if (array_key_exists($ldap_result_username, $location_users[$i])) { $location_users[$i]["ldap_location_override"] = true; $location_users[$i]["location_id"] = $ldap_loc["id"]; $usernames[] = $location_users[$i][$ldap_result_username][0]; } } // Delete located users from the general group. foreach ($results as $key => $generic_entry) { if ((is_array($generic_entry)) && (array_key_exists($ldap_result_username, $generic_entry))) { if (in_array($generic_entry[$ldap_result_username][0], $usernames)) { unset($results[$key]); } } } $global_count = $results['count']; $results = array_merge($location_users, $results); $results['count'] = $global_count; } } /* Create user account entries in Snipe-IT */ $tmp_pass = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 20); $pass = bcrypt($tmp_pass); for ($i = 0; $i < $results["count"]; $i++) { if (empty($ldap_result_active_flag) || $results[$i][$ldap_result_active_flag][0] == "TRUE") { $item = array(); $item["username"] = isset($results[$i][$ldap_result_username][0]) ? $results[$i][$ldap_result_username][0] : ""; $item["employee_number"] = isset($results[$i][$ldap_result_emp_num][0]) ? $results[$i][$ldap_result_emp_num][0] : ""; $item["lastname"] = isset($results[$i][$ldap_result_last_name][0]) ? $results[$i][$ldap_result_last_name][0] : ""; $item["firstname"] = isset($results[$i][$ldap_result_first_name][0]) ? $results[$i][$ldap_result_first_name][0] : ""; $item["email"] = isset($results[$i][$ldap_result_email][0]) ? $results[$i][$ldap_result_email][0] : "" ; $item["ldap_location_override"] = isset($results[$i]["ldap_location_override"]) ? $results[$i]["ldap_location_override"]:""; $item["location_id"] = isset($results[$i]["location_id"]) ? $results[$i]["location_id"]:""; // This is active directory, not regular LDAP if ( array_key_exists('useraccountcontrol', $results[$i]) ) { $enabled_accounts = [ '512', '544', '66048', '66080', '262656', '262688', '328192', '328224' ]; $item['activated'] = ( in_array($results[$i]['useraccountcontrol'][0], $enabled_accounts) ) ? 1 : 0; // Fall through to LDAP } else { $item['activated'] = 0; } // User exists $item["createorupdate"] = 'updated'; if (!$user = User::where('username', $item["username"])->first()) { $user = new User; $user->password = $pass; $item["createorupdate"] = 'created'; } // Create the user if they don't exist. $user->first_name = e($item["firstname"]); $user->last_name = e($item["lastname"]); $user->username = e($item["username"]); $user->email = e($item["email"]); $user->employee_num = e($item["employee_number"]); $user->activated = $item['activated']; if ($item['ldap_location_override'] == true) { $user->location_id = $item['location_id']; } elseif ((isset($location)) && (!empty($location))) { if ((is_array($location)) && (array_key_exists('id', $location))) { $user->location_id = $location['id']; } elseif (is_object($location)) { $user->location_id = $location->id; } } $user->notes = 'Imported from LDAP'; $user->ldap_import = 1; $errors = ''; if ($user->save()) { $item["note"] = $item["createorupdate"]; $item["status"]='success'; } else { foreach ($user->getErrors()->getMessages() as $key => $err) { $errors .= $err[0]; } $item["note"] = $errors; $item["status"]='error'; } array_push($summary, $item); } } if ($this->option('summary')) { for ($x = 0; $x < count($summary); $x++) { if ($summary[$x]['status']=='error') { $this->error('ERROR: '.$summary[$x]['firstname'].' '.$summary[$x]['lastname'].' (username: '.$summary[$x]['username'].') was not imported: '.$summary[$x]['note']); } else { $this->info('User '.$summary[$x]['firstname'].' '.$summary[$x]['lastname'].' (username: '.$summary[$x]['username'].') was '.strtoupper($summary[$x]['createorupdate']).'.'); } } } else if ($this->option('json_summary')) { $json_summary = [ "error" => false, "error_message" => "", "summary" => $summary ]; $this->info(json_encode($json_summary)); } else { return $summary; } } }