<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Requests\ImageUploadRequest; use App\Models\Setting; use Auth; use Gate; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage; use Image; use Redirect; use View; /** * This controller handles all actions related to User Profiles for * the Snipe-IT Asset Management application. * * @version v1.0 */ class ProfileController extends Controller { /** * Returns a view with the user's profile form for editing * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>] * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function getIndex() { $user = Auth::user(); return view('account/profile', compact('user')); } /** * Validates and stores the user's update data. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>] * @since [v1.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function postIndex(ImageUploadRequest $request) { $user = Auth::user(); $user->first_name = $request->input('first_name'); $user->last_name = $request->input('last_name'); $user->website = $request->input('website'); $user->gravatar = $request->input('gravatar'); $user->phone = $request->input('phone'); if (!config('app.lock_passwords')) { $user->locale = $request->input('locale', 'en'); } if ((Gate::allows('self.two_factor')) && ((Setting::getSettings()->two_factor_enabled=='1') && (!config('app.lock_passwords')))) { $user->two_factor_optin = $request->input('two_factor_optin', '0'); } if (Gate::allows('self.edit_location') && (!config('app.lock_passwords'))) { $user->location_id = $request->input('location_id'); } if ($request->input('avatar_delete') == 1) { $user->avatar = null; } if ($request->hasFile('avatar')) { $path = 'avatars'; if(!Storage::disk('public')->exists($path)) Storage::disk('public')->makeDirectory($path, 775); $upload = $image = $request->file('avatar'); $ext = $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file_name = 'avatar-'.str_random(18).'.'.$ext; if ($image->getClientOriginalExtension()!='svg') { $upload = Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(84, 84); } // This requires a string instead of an object, so we use ($string) Storage::disk('public')->put($path.'/'.$file_name, (string)$upload->encode()); // Remove Current image if exists if (($user->avatar) && (Storage::disk('public')->exists($path.'/'.$user->avatar))) { Storage::disk('public')->delete($path.'/'.$user->avatar); } $user->avatar = $file_name; } if ($user->save()) { return redirect()->route('profile')->with('success', 'Account successfully updated'); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($user->getErrors()); } /** * Returns a page with the API token generation interface. * * We created a controller method for this because closures aren't allowed * in the routes file if you want to be able to cache the routes. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>] * @since [v4.0] * @return View */ public function api() { return view('account/api'); } /** * User change email page. * * @return View */ public function password() { $user = Auth::user(); return view('account/change-password', compact('user')); } /** * Users change password form processing page. * * @return Redirect */ public function passwordSave(Request $request) { if (config('app.lock_passwords')) { return redirect()->route('account.password.index')->with('error', trans('admin/users/table.lock_passwords')); } $user = Auth::user(); if ($user->ldap_import=='1') { return redirect()->route('account.password.index')->with('error', trans('admin/users/message.error.password_ldap')); } $rules = array( 'current_password' => 'required', 'password' => Setting::passwordComplexityRulesSaving('store').'|confirmed', ); $validator = \Validator::make($request->all(), $rules); $validator->after(function($validator) use ($request, $user) { if (!Hash::check($request->input('current_password'), $user->password)) { $validator->errors()->add('current_password', trans('validation.hashed_pass')); } if (($request->input('password') == $user->username) || ($request->input('password') == $user->email) || ($request->input('password') == $user->first_name) || ($request->input('password') == $user->last_name)) { $validator->errors()->add('password', trans('validation.disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields')); } }); if (!$validator->fails()) { $user->password = Hash::make($request->input('password')); $user->save(); return redirect()->route('account.password.index')->with('success', 'Password updated!'); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($validator); } /** * Save the menu state of open/closed when the user clicks on the hamburger * menu. * * This URL is triggered via jquery in * resources/views/layouts/default.blade.php * * @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>] * @since [v4.0] * @return View */ public function getMenuState(Request $request) { if ($request->input('state')=='open') { $request->session()->put('menu_state', 'open'); } else { $request->session()->put('menu_state', 'closed'); } } }