'Accessories', 'activated' => 'Activated', 'accessory' => 'Accessory', 'accessory_report' => 'Accessory Report', 'action' => 'Action', 'activity_report' => 'Activity Report', 'address' => 'Adresa', 'admin' => 'Admin', 'add_seats' => 'Added seats', 'all_assets' => 'Toate activele', 'all' => 'Toate', 'archived' => 'Arhivat', 'asset_models' => 'Modele active', 'asset' => 'Activ', 'asset_report' => 'Raport de active', 'asset_tag' => 'Eticheta activ', 'assets_available' => 'Active disponibile', 'assets' => 'Active', 'avatar_delete' => 'Sterge avatar', 'avatar_upload' => 'Upload Avatar', 'back' => 'Inapoi', 'bad_data' => 'Nothing found. Maybe bad data?', 'bulk_checkout' => 'Bulk Checkout', 'cancel' => 'Anuleaza', 'categories' => 'Categorii', 'category' => 'Categoria', 'changeemail' => 'Schimba adresa de E-mail', 'changepassword' => 'Schimba parola', 'checkin' => 'Primeste', 'checkin_from' => 'Checkin from', 'checkout' => 'Preda', 'city' => 'Oras', 'click_here' => 'Click here', 'companies' => 'Companies', 'company' => 'Company', 'component' => 'Component', 'components' => 'Components', 'complete' => 'Complete', 'consumable' => 'Consumable', 'consumables' => 'Consumables', 'country' => 'Tara', 'create' => 'Creeaza', 'created' => 'Item Created', 'created_asset' => 'Activ creat', 'created_at' => 'Creat la', 'updated_at' => 'Updated at', 'currency' => 'LEI', // this is deprecated 'current' => 'Curent', 'custom_report' => 'Raport active custom', 'dashboard' => 'Dashboard', 'date' => 'Data', 'debug_warning' => 'Warning!', 'debug_warning_text' => 'This application is running in production mode with debugging enabled. This can expose sensitive data if your application is accessible to the outside world. Disable debug mode by setting the APP_DEBUG value in your .env file to false.', 'delete' => 'Sterge', 'deleted' => 'Sters', 'delete_seats' => 'Deleted Seats', 'deployed' => 'Pus in folosinta', 'depreciation_report' => 'Raport depreciere', 'download' => 'Download', 'depreciation' => 'Depreciere', 'editprofile' => 'Editeaza propriul profil', 'eol' => 'EOL', 'email_domain' => 'Email Domain', 'email_format' => 'Email Format', 'email_domain_help' => 'This is used to generate email addresses when importing', 'filastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (jsmith@example.com)', 'firstname_lastname_format' => 'First Name Last Name (jane.smith@example.com)', 'first' => 'First', 'first_name' => 'Prenume', 'first_name_format' => 'First Name (jane@example.com)', 'file_name' => 'Fisier', 'file_uploads' => 'Upload fisier', 'generate' => 'Genereaza', 'groups' => 'Grupuri', 'gravatar_email' => 'Adresa E-mail Gravatar', 'history' => 'History', 'history_for' => 'Istoric pentru', 'id' => 'ID', 'image_delete' => 'Sterge poza', 'image_upload' => 'Incarca poza', 'import' => 'Import', 'import-history' => 'Import History', 'asset_maintenance' => 'Mentenanta produs', 'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Raport privind mentenanta produsului', 'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances', 'item' => 'Item', 'insufficient_permissions' => 'Nu aveti permisiuni suficiente!', 'language' => 'Language', 'last' => 'Last', 'last_login' => 'Last Login', 'last_name' => 'Nume', 'license' => 'Licenta', 'license_report' => 'Raport licente', 'licenses_available' => 'Licente disponibile', 'licenses' => 'Licente', 'list_all' => 'Arata tot', 'loading' => 'Loading', 'lock_passwords' => 'This field cannot be edited in this installation.', 'feature_disabled' => 'This feature has been disabled for the demo installation.', 'location' => 'Locatie', 'locations' => 'Locatii', 'logout' => 'Log out', 'lookup_by_tag' => 'Lookup by Asset Tag', 'manufacturer' => 'Producator', 'manufacturers' => 'Producatori', 'markdown' => 'This field allows Github flavored markdown.', 'min_amt' => 'Min. QTY', 'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered.', 'model_no' => 'Nr. model', 'months' => 'luni', 'moreinfo' => 'Mai multe', 'name' => 'Nume', 'next' => 'Next', 'new' => 'new!', 'no_depreciation' => 'Fara depreciere', 'no_results' => 'Nici un rezultat.', 'no' => 'Nr', 'notes' => 'Note', 'order_number' => 'Order Number', 'page_menu' => 'Showing _MENU_ items', 'pagination_info' => 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ items', 'pending' => 'In asteptare', 'people' => 'Oameni', 'per_page' => 'Rezultate pe pagina', 'previous' => 'Previous', 'processing' => 'Processing', 'profile' => 'Profilul dvs.', 'purchase_cost' => 'Purchase Cost', 'purchase_date' => 'Purchase Date', 'qty' => 'QTY', 'quantity' => 'Cantitate', 'ready_to_deploy' => 'Gata de lansare', 'recent_activity' => 'Activitate recentă', 'remove_company' => 'Remove Company Association', 'reports' => 'Rapoarte', 'requested' => 'Cereri', 'request_canceled' => 'Request Canceled', 'save' => 'Salveaza', 'select' => 'Selectați', 'search' => 'Căutare', 'select_category' => 'Select a Category', 'select_depreciation' => 'Select a Depreciation Type', 'select_location' => 'Select a Location', 'select_manufacturer' => 'Select a Manufacturer', 'select_model' => 'Select a Model', 'select_supplier' => 'Select a Supplier', 'select_user' => 'Selectati un utilizatori', 'select_date' => 'Selectaţi data', 'select_statuslabel' => 'Selecteaza Starea', 'select_company' => 'Select Company', 'select_asset' => 'Select Asset', 'settings' => 'Setari', 'sign_in' => 'Logheaza-te', 'signature' => 'Signature', 'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Some features are disabled for this installation.', 'site_name' => 'Nume site', 'state' => 'Judet', 'status_labels' => 'Etichete status', 'status' => 'Stare', 'supplier' => 'Supplier', 'suppliers' => 'Furnizori', 'sure_to_delete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'target' => 'Target', 'time_and_date_display' => 'Time and Date Display', 'total_assets' => 'Total active', 'total_licenses' => 'Total licente', 'total_accessories' => 'total accessories', 'total_consumables' => 'total consumables', 'type' => 'Tipul', 'undeployable' => 'Nelansabil', 'unknown_admin' => 'Admin necunoscut', 'username_format' => 'Username Format', 'update' => 'Actualizează', 'uploaded' => 'Încărcat', 'user' => 'Utilizator', 'accepted' => 'acceptat', 'declined' => 'respins', 'unaccepted_asset_report' => 'Produse neacceptate', 'users' => 'Utilizatori', 'viewassets' => 'Vezi active desemnate', 'website' => 'Website', 'welcome' => 'Bine ati venit, :name', 'years' => 'ani', 'yes' => 'Da', 'zip' => 'Cod postal', 'noimage' => 'Nici o imagine incarcata sau imaginea nu exista.', 'token_expired' => 'Your form session has expired. Please try again.', ];