data = new Collection(); } /** * Render the PDF label. * * @param callable|null $callback */ public function render(callable $callback = null) { $settings = $this->data->get('settings'); $assets = $this->data->get('assets'); $offset = $this->data->get('offset'); $template = $this->data->get('template'); // If disabled, pass to legacy view if ((!$settings->label2_enable) && (!$template)) { return view('hardware/labels') ->with('assets', $assets) ->with('settings', $settings) ->with('bulkedit', $this->data->get('bulkedit')) ->with('count', $this->data->get('count')); } if (empty($template)) $template = LabelModel::find($settings->label2_template); elseif (is_string($template)) $template = LabelModel::find($template); $template->validate(); $pdf = new TCPDF( $template->getOrientation(), $template->getUnit(), [ $template->getWidth(), $template->getHeight() ] ); // Reset parameters $pdf->SetPrintHeader(false); $pdf->SetPrintFooter(false); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, null, true); $pdf->SetCellMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); $pdf->SetCellPaddings(0, 0, 0, 0); $pdf->setCreator('Snipe-IT'); $pdf->SetSubject('Asset Labels'); $template->preparePDF($pdf); // 'Label1=field1|Alt1=altfield1;Label2=field2;Alt1=altfield1|Label3=field3' $fieldDefinitions = (new Collection()) ->merge(explode(';', $settings->label2_fields)) ->filter(function ($defString) { return strpos($defString, '=') !== false; }) ->map(function ($defString) { return (new Collection()) ->merge(explode('|', $defString)) // ['Label1=field1', 'Alt1=altfield1'] ->mapWithKeys(function ($altString) { $parts = explode('=', $altString); if (count($parts) != 2) throw new \Exception(var_export($parts, true)); return [ $parts[0] => $parts[1] ]; }); }); /* $fieldDefinitions should now look like: [ [ 'Label1'=>'field1', 'Alt1'=>'altfield1' ], [ 'Label2'=>'field2' ], [ 'Alt1'=>'altfield1', 'Label3'=>'field3' ] ] */ // Prepare data $data = $assets ->map(function ($asset) use ($template, $settings, $fieldDefinitions) { $assetData = new Collection(); $assetData->put('id', $asset->id); $assetData->put('tag', $asset->asset_tag); if ($template->getSupportTitle()) { $assetData->put('title', !empty($settings->label2_title) ? str_ireplace(':company', $asset->company->name, $settings->label2_title) : $settings->qr_text ); } if ($template->getSupportLogo()) { $assetData->put('logo', $settings->label2_asset_logo ? ( !empty($asset->company->image) ? Storage::disk('public')->path('companies/'.e($asset->company->image)) : null ) : ( !empty($settings->label_logo) ? Storage::disk('public')->path(''.e($settings->label_logo)) : null ) ); } if ($template->getSupport1DBarcode()) { $barcode1DType = $settings->label2_1d_type; $barcode1DType = ($barcode1DType == 'default') ? (($settings->alt_barcode_enabled) ? $settings->alt_barcode : null) : $barcode1DType; if ($barcode1DType) { $assetData->put('barcode1d', (object)[ 'type' => $barcode1DType, 'content' => $asset->asset_tag, ]); } } if ($template->getSupport2DBarcode()) { $barcode2DType = $settings->label2_2d_type; $barcode2DType = ($barcode2DType == 'default') ? (($settings->qr_code) ? $settings->barcode_type : null) : $barcode2DType; if ($barcode2DType) { switch ($settings->label2_2d_target) { case 'ht_tag': $barcode2DTarget = route('ht/assetTag', $asset->asset_tag); break; case 'hardware_id': default: $barcode2DTarget = route('', $asset->id); break; } $assetData->put('barcode2d', (object)[ 'type' => $barcode2DType, 'content' => $barcode2DTarget, ]); } } $fields = $fieldDefinitions ->map(function ($group, $index) use ($asset) { return $group->mapWithKeys(function ($definition, $label) use ($asset) { $value = collect(explode('.', $definition)) ->reduce(function ($carry, $chunk) { return $carry ? $carry->{$chunk} : ${$carry}; }, $asset); return [ $label => $value ]; }); }) ->reduce(function ($carry, $group, $index) { $values = $group ->filter(function ($value, $label) use ($carry) { if (empty($value)) return false; if ($carry->has($label)) return false; return true; }) ->take(1); return $carry->merge($values); }, new Collection()); $assetData->put('fields', $fields->take($template->getSupportFields())); return $assetData; }); if ($template instanceof Sheet) { $template->setLabelIndexOffset($offset ?? 0); } $template->writeAll($pdf, $data); $filename = $assets->count() > 1 ? 'assets.pdf' : $assets->first()->asset_tag.'.pdf'; $pdf->Output($filename, 'I'); } /** * Add a piece of data. * * @param string|array $key * @param mixed $value * @return $this */ public function with($key, $value = null) { $this->data->put($key, $value); return $this; } /** * Get the array of view data. * * @return array */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * Get the name of the view. * * @return string */ public function name() { return $this->getName(); } /** * Get the name of the view. * * @return string */ public function getName() { return self::NAME; } }