model->note) { return $Parsedown->text($this->model->note); } } public function eolText() { if ($this->eol) { return $this->eol.' '.trans('general.months'); } return ''; } /** * Pretty name for this model * @return string */ public function modelName() { $name = $this->model->manufacturer->name.' '.$this->name; if ($this->model_number) { $name .=" / ".$this->model_number; } return $name; } /** * Standard url for use to view page. * @return string */ public function nameUrl() { return (string) link_to_route('', $this->name, $this->id); } /** * Generate img tag to this models image. * @return string */ public function imageUrl() { if (!empty($this->image)) { return ''; } return ''; } /** * Url to view this item. * @return string */ public function viewUrl() { return route('', $this->id); } }