"required|unique:custom_fieldsets" ]; /** * Whether the model should inject it's identifier to the unique * validation rules before attempting validation. If this property * is not set in the model it will default to true. * * @var boolean */ protected $injectUniqueIdentifier = true; /** * Establishes the fieldset -> field relationship * * @author [Brady Wetherington] [] * @since [v3.0] * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation */ public function fields() { return $this->belongsToMany('\App\Models\CustomField')->withPivot(["required","order"])->orderBy("pivot_order"); } /** * Establishes the fieldset -> models relationship * * @author [Brady Wetherington] [] * @since [v3.0] * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation */ public function models() { return $this->hasMany('\App\Models\AssetModel', "fieldset_id"); } /** * Establishes the fieldset -> admin user relationship * * @author [Brady Wetherington] [] * @since [v3.0] * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation */ public function user() { return $this->belongsTo('\App\Models\User'); //WARNING - not all CustomFieldsets have a User!! } /** * Determine the validation rules we should apply based on the * custom field format * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v3.0] * @return array */ public function validation_rules() { $rules=[]; foreach ($this->fields as $field) { $rule = []; if (($field->field_encrypted!='1') || (($field->field_encrypted =='1') && (Gate::allows('admin')) )) { $rule[] = ($field->pivot->required=='1') ? "required" : "nullable"; } array_push($rule, $field->attributes['format']); $rules[$field->db_column_name()]=$rule; } return $rules; } }