argument('filename'); if (! $filename) { return $this->error('Missing required filename'); } if (! $this->option('force') && ! $this->confirm('Are you sure you wish to restore from the given backup file? This can lead to MASSIVE DATA LOSS!')) { return $this->error('Data loss not confirmed'); } if (config('database.default') != 'mysql') { return $this->error('DB_CONNECTION must be MySQL in order to perform a restore. Detected: '.config('database.default')); } $za = new ZipArchive(); $errcode = $za->open($filename/* , ZipArchive::RDONLY */); // that constant only exists in PHP 7.4 and higher if ($errcode !== true) { $errors = [ ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS => 'File already exists.', ZipArchive::ER_INCONS => 'Zip archive inconsistent.', ZipArchive::ER_INVAL => 'Invalid argument.', ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY => 'Malloc failure.', ZipArchive::ER_NOENT => 'No such file ('.$filename.') in directory '.$dir.'.', ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP => 'Not a zip archive.', ZipArchive::ER_OPEN => "Can't open file.", ZipArchive::ER_READ => 'Read error.', ZipArchive::ER_SEEK => 'Seek error.', ]; return $this->error('Could not access file: '.$filename.' - '.array_key_exists($errcode, $errors) ? $errors[$errcode] : " Unknown reason: $errcode"); } $private_dirs = [ 'storage/private_uploads/accessories', 'storage/private_uploads/assetmodels', 'storage/private_uploads/assets', // these are asset _files_, not the pictures. 'storage/private_uploads/audits', 'storage/private_uploads/components', 'storage/private_uploads/consumables', 'storage/private_uploads/eula-pdfs', 'storage/private_uploads/imports', 'storage/private_uploads/licenses', 'storage/private_uploads/signatures', 'storage/private_uploads/users', ]; $private_files = [ 'storage/oauth-private.key', 'storage/oauth-public.key', ]; $public_dirs = [ 'public/uploads/accessories', 'public/uploads/assets', // these are asset _pictures_, not asset files 'public/uploads/avatars', //'public/uploads/barcodes', // we don't want this, let the barcodes be regenerated 'public/uploads/categories', 'public/uploads/companies', 'public/uploads/components', 'public/uploads/consumables', 'public/uploads/departments', 'public/uploads/locations', 'public/uploads/manufacturers', 'public/uploads/models', 'public/uploads/suppliers', ]; $public_files = [ 'public/uploads/logo.*', 'public/uploads/setting-email_logo*', 'public/uploads/setting-label_logo*', 'public/uploads/setting-logo*', 'public/uploads/favicon.*', 'public/uploads/favicon-uploaded.*', ]; $all_files = $private_dirs + $public_dirs; $sqlfiles = []; $sqlfile_indices = []; $interesting_files = []; $boring_files = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) { $stat_results = $za->statIndex($i); // echo "index: $i\n"; // print_r($stat_results); $raw_path = $stat_results['name']; if (strpos($raw_path, '\\') !== false) { //found a backslash, swap it to forward-slash $raw_path = strtr($raw_path, '\\', '/'); //print "Translating file: ".$stat_results['name']." to: ".$raw_path."\n"; } // skip macOS resource fork files (?!?!?!) if (strpos($raw_path, '__MACOSX') !== false && strpos($raw_path, '._') !== false) { //print "SKIPPING macOS Resource fork file: $raw_path\n"; $boring_files[] = $raw_path; continue; } if (@pathinfo($raw_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'sql') { \Log::debug("Found a sql file!"); $sqlfiles[] = $raw_path; $sqlfile_indices[] = $i; continue; } foreach (array_merge($private_dirs, $public_dirs) as $dir) { $last_pos = strrpos($raw_path, $dir.'/'); if ($last_pos !== false) { //print("INTERESTING - last_pos is $last_pos when searching $raw_path for $dir - last_pos+strlen(\$dir) is: ".($last_pos+strlen($dir))." and strlen(\$rawpath) is: ".strlen($raw_path)."\n"); //print("We would copy $raw_path to $dir.\n"); //FIXME append to a path? $interesting_files[$raw_path] = ['dest' =>$dir, 'index' => $i]; continue 2; if ($last_pos + strlen($dir) + 1 == strlen($raw_path)) { // we don't care about that; we just want files with the appropriate prefix //print("FOUND THE EXACT DIRECTORY: $dir AT: $raw_path!!!\n"); } } } $good_extensions = ['png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'svg', 'jpeg', 'doc', 'docx', 'pdf', 'txt', 'zip', 'rar', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'lic', 'xml', 'rtf', 'webp', 'key', 'ico', ]; foreach (array_merge($private_files, $public_files) as $file) { $has_wildcard = (strpos($file, '*') !== false); if ($has_wildcard) { $file = substr($file, 0, -1); //trim last character (which should be the wildcard) } $last_pos = strrpos($raw_path, $file); // no trailing slash! if ($last_pos !== false) { $extension = strtolower(pathinfo($raw_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if (! in_array($extension, $good_extensions)) { $this->warn('Potentially unsafe file '.$raw_path.' is being skipped'); $boring_files[] = $raw_path; continue 2; } //print("INTERESTING - last_pos is $last_pos when searching $raw_path for $file - last_pos+strlen(\$file) is: ".($last_pos+strlen($file))." and strlen(\$rawpath) is: ".strlen($raw_path)."\n"); //no wildcards found in $file, process 'normally' if ($last_pos + strlen($file) == strlen($raw_path) || $has_wildcard) { //again, no trailing slash. or this is a wildcard and we just take it. // print("FOUND THE EXACT FILE: $file AT: $raw_path!!!\n"); //we *do* care about this, though. $interesting_files[$raw_path] = ['dest' => dirname($file), 'index' => $i]; continue 2; } } } $boring_files[] = $raw_path; //if we've gotten to here and haven't continue'ed our way into the next iteration, we don't want this file } // end of pre-processing the ZIP file for-loop // print_r($interesting_files);exit(-1); if (count($sqlfiles) != 1) { return $this->error('There should be exactly *one* sql backup file found, found: '.(count($sqlfiles) == 0 ? 'None' : implode(', ', $sqlfiles))); } if (strpos($sqlfiles[0], 'db-dumps') === false) { //return $this->error("SQL backup file is missing 'db-dumps' component of full pathname: ".$sqlfiles[0]); //older Snipe-IT installs don't have the db-dumps subdirectory component } //how to invoke the restore? $pipes = []; $env_vars = getenv(); $env_vars['MYSQL_PWD'] = config('database.connections.mysql.password'); // TODO notes: we are stealing the dump_binary_path (which *probably* also has your copy of the mysql binary in it. But it might not, so we might need to extend this) // we unilaterally prepend a slash to the `mysql` command. This might mean your path could look like /blah/blah/blah//mysql - which should be fine. But maybe in some environments it isn't? $mysql_binary = config('database.connections.mysql.dump.dump_binary_path').\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'mysql'.(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\' ? ".exe" : ""); if( ! file_exists($mysql_binary) ) { return $this->error("mysql tool at: '$mysql_binary' does not exist, cannot restore. Please edit DB_DUMP_PATH in your .env to point to a directory that contains the mysqldump and mysql binary"); } $proc_results = proc_open("$mysql_binary -h ".escapeshellarg(config('')).' -u '.escapeshellarg(config('database.connections.mysql.username')).' '.escapeshellarg(config('database.connections.mysql.database')), // yanked -p since we pass via ENV [0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w']], $pipes, null, $env_vars); // this is not super-duper awesome-secure, but definitely more secure than showing it on the CLI, or dropping temporary files with passwords in them. if ($proc_results === false) { return $this->error('Unable to invoke mysql via CLI'); } stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], false); // use non-blocking reads for stdout stream_set_blocking($pipes[2], false); // use non-blocking reads for stderr // $this->info("Stdout says? ".fgets($pipes[1])); //FIXME: I think we might need to set non-blocking mode to use this properly? // $this->info("Stderr says? ".fgets($pipes[2])); //FIXME: ditto, same. // should we read stdout? // fwrite($pipes[0],config("database.connections.mysql.password")."\n"); //this doesn't work :( //$sql_contents = fopen($sqlfiles[0], "r"); //NOPE! This isn't a real file yet, silly-billy! $sql_stat = $za->statIndex($sqlfile_indices[0]); //$this->info("SQL Stat is: ".print_r($sql_stat,true)); $sql_contents = $za->getStream($sql_stat['name']); if ($sql_contents === false) { $stdout = fgets($pipes[1]); $this->info($stdout); $stderr = fgets($pipes[2]); $this->info($stderr); return false; } $bytes_read = 0; try { while (($buffer = fgets($sql_contents, self::$buffer_size)) !== false) { $bytes_read += strlen($buffer); // \Log::debug("Buffer is: '$buffer'"); $bytes_written = fwrite($pipes[0], $buffer); if ($bytes_written === false) { throw new Exception("Unable to write to pipe"); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::error("Error during restore!!!! ".$e->getMessage()); $err_out = fgets($pipes[1]); $err_err = fgets($pipes[2]); \Log::error("Error OUTPUT: ".$err_out); $this->info($err_out); \Log::error("Error ERROR : ".$err_err); $this->error($err_err); throw $e; } if (!feof($sql_contents) || $bytes_read == 0) { return $this->error("Not at end of file for sql file, or zero bytes read. aborting!"); } fclose($pipes[0]); fclose($sql_contents); $this->line(stream_get_contents($pipes[1])); fclose($pipes[1]); $this->error(stream_get_contents($pipes[2])); fclose($pipes[2]); //wait, have to do fclose() on all pipes first? $close_results = proc_close($proc_results); if ($close_results != 0) { return $this->error('There may have been a problem with the database import: Error number '.$close_results); } //and now copy the files over too (right?) //FIXME - we don't prune the filesystem space yet!!!! if ($this->option('no-progress')) { $bar = null; } else { $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($interesting_files)); } foreach ($interesting_files as $pretty_file_name => $file_details) { $ugly_file_name = $za->statIndex($file_details['index'])['name']; $fp = $za->getStream($ugly_file_name); //$this->info("Weird problem, here are file details? ".print_r($file_details,true)); $migrated_file = fopen($file_details['dest'].'/'.basename($pretty_file_name), 'w'); while (($buffer = fgets($fp, self::$buffer_size)) !== false) { fwrite($migrated_file, $buffer); } fclose($migrated_file); fclose($fp); //$this->info("Wrote $ugly_file_name to $pretty_file_name"); if ($bar) { $bar->advance(); } } if ($bar) { $bar->finish(); $this->line(''); } else { $this->info(count($interesting_files).' files were succesfully transferred'); } foreach ($boring_files as $boring_file) { $this->warn($boring_file.' was skipped.'); } } }