'配件', 'activated' => '已啟用', 'accessory' => '配件', 'accessory_report' => '配件報告', 'action' => '操作', 'activity_report' => '活動報告', 'address' => '地址', 'admin' => '管理員', 'administrator' => '管理員', 'add_seats' => '新增授權', 'all_assets' => '所有資產', 'all' => '所有', 'archived' => '已封存', 'asset_models' => '資產樣板', 'asset_model' => '模型', 'asset' => '資產', 'asset_report' => '資產報告', 'asset_tag' => '資產標籤', 'assets_available' => '可用資產', 'audit' => '稽核', 'audit_report' => '稽核記錄', 'assets' => '資產', 'avatar_delete' => '刪除頭像', 'avatar_upload' => '上傳頭像', 'back' => '返回', 'bad_data' => '未發現任何東西,是否資料有誤?', 'bulkaudit' => '批次稽核', 'bulkaudit_status' => '稽核狀態', 'bulk_checkout' => '批次借出', 'bystatus' => '按狀態', 'cancel' => '取消', 'categories' => '類別', 'category' => '類別', 'change' => '進/出', 'changeemail' => '更改電子郵件地址', 'changepassword' => '更改密碼', 'checkin' => '繳回', 'checkin_from' => '繳回來源', 'checkout' => '借出', 'checkouts_count' => '借出', 'checkins_count' => '繳回', 'user_requests_count' => '申請', 'city' => '城市', 'click_here' => '點擊這裡', 'clear_selection' => '清除選擇', 'companies' => '公司', 'company' => '公司', 'component' => '組件', 'components' => '組件', 'complete' => '完成', 'consumable' => '耗材', 'consumables' => '耗材', 'country' => '國家', 'create' => '新增', 'created' => '項目已新增', 'created_asset' => '新增資產', 'created_at' => '新增於', 'record_created' => '記錄已建立', 'updated_at' => '更新日', 'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated 'current' => '目前', 'custom_report' => '自訂資產報告', 'dashboard' => '儀表板', 'days' => '天', 'days_to_next_audit' => '下次稽核時間(天)', 'date' => '日期', 'debug_warning' => '警告!', 'debug_warning_text' => '此應用程式已開啟除錯模式, 如果開放外部存取可能造成敏感資料外洩。您可透過修改.env檔案中的參數APP_DEBUG,將值改為false關閉除錯模式。', 'delete' => '刪除', 'delete_confirm' => '您確定要刪除 :item 嗎?', 'deleted' => '刪除', 'delete_seats' => '刪除授權', 'departments' => '部門', 'department' => '部門', 'deployed' => '已分配', 'depreciation_report' => '折舊報告', 'details' => '詳細內容', 'download' => '下載', 'download_all' => '下載全部', 'depreciation' => '折舊', 'editprofile' => '編輯個人資料', 'eol' => 'EOL', 'email_domain' => 'Email 域名', 'email_format' => 'Email 格式', 'email_domain_help' => '這用在匯入時產生電子郵件地址', 'filastname_format' => '縮寫名 姓,例如 (jsmith@example.com)', 'firstname_lastname_format' => '名 姓,例如 (jane.smith@example.com)', 'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => '名字姓氏,例如(jane_smith@example.com)', 'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => '姓氏首字母(smithj@example.com)', 'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => '姓氏與名首子母 (j.smith@example.com)', 'first' => '首頁', 'firstnamelastname' => '全名 (janesmith@example.com)', 'lastname_firstinitial' => '姓氏與名首字母 (smith_j@example.com)', 'firstinitial.lastname' => '姓氏與名首子母 (j.smith@example.com)', 'firstnamelastinitial' => '名字與姓首字母 (janes@example.com)', 'first_name' => '名字', 'first_name_format' => '名,例如 (jane@example.com)', 'files' => '檔案', 'file_name' => '檔案', 'file_type' => '檔案類型', 'file_uploads' => '上傳檔案', 'generate' => '產生', 'github_markdown' => '此欄位可以使用 Github 風格 markdown.', 'groups' => '群組', 'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar 頭像郵件地址', 'history' => '歷史記錄', 'history_for' => '歷史記錄', 'id' => 'ID', 'image' => '影像', 'image_delete' => '刪除圖片', 'image_upload' => '上傳圖片', 'image_filetypes_help' => '接受的檔案類型有 jpg、webp, png、gif 和 svg。允許的最大上傳大小為 :size。', 'import' => '匯入', 'importing' => '匯入中', 'importing_help' => '您可透過 CSV 格式檔案匯入資產、授權、配件、耗材以及使用者。

CSV檔案必須以逗號分格,並依照說明文件中的CSV範例保留首部及格式。', 'import-history' => '匯入歷史記錄', 'asset_maintenance' => '資產維護', 'asset_maintenance_report' => '資產維護報告', 'asset_maintenances' => '資產維護', 'item' => '項目', 'insufficient_permissions' => '沒有足夠的權限', 'kits' => '預設組', 'language' => '語言', 'last' => '最後頁', 'last_login' => '最後登入', 'last_name' => '姓氏', 'license' => '授權', 'license_report' => '授權報告', 'licenses_available' => '可用授權', 'licenses' => '授權', 'list_all' => '列出全部', 'loading' => '載入中', 'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.', 'feature_disabled' => '演示模式下禁用此功能', 'location' => '位置', 'locations' => '位置', 'logo_size' => 'Square logos look best with Logo + Text. Logo maximum display size is 50px high x 500px wide. ', 'logout' => '登出', 'lookup_by_tag' => '尋找資產標籤', 'maintenances' => '維護', 'manufacturer' => '製造商', 'manufacturers' => '製造商', 'markdown' => '此欄位可以使用 Github flavored markdown.', 'min_amt' => '最少數量', 'min_amt_help' => '觸發警告的最少數量', 'model_no' => '型號', 'months' => '月數', 'moreinfo' => '更多訊息', 'name' => '名稱', 'next' => '下一頁', 'next_audit_date' => '下次稽核日期', 'last_audit' => '最後稽核日期', 'new' => 'new!', 'no_depreciation' => '永久', 'no_results' => '沒有結果', 'no' => '否', 'notes' => '備註', 'order_number' => '採購單號', 'page_menu' => '顯示選項', 'pagination_info' => '顯示全部', 'pending' => '待處理', 'people' => '組織成員', 'per_page' => '每頁搜尋結果', 'previous' => '前一頁', 'processing' => '處理中', 'profile' => '您的個人資料', 'purchase_cost' => '採購成本', 'purchase_date' => '採購日期', 'qty' => '數量', 'quantity' => '數量', 'ready_to_deploy' => '準備部署', 'recent_activity' => '最近操作活動', 'remove_company' => '移除公司關聯', 'reports' => '報告', 'restored' => '還原', 'requested' => '已申請', 'request_canceled' => '取消申請', 'save' => '儲存', 'select' => '選擇', 'search' => '搜尋', 'select_category' => '選擇一個類別', 'select_department' => '選擇部門', 'select_depreciation' => '選擇折舊類型', 'select_location' => '選擇位置', 'select_manufacturer' => '選擇製造商', 'select_model' => '選擇型號', 'select_supplier' => '選擇供應商', 'select_user' => '選擇使用者', 'select_date' => '選擇日期 (YYYY-MM-DD)', 'select_statuslabel' => '選擇狀態', 'select_company' => '選擇公司', 'select_asset' => '選擇資產', 'settings' => '設定', 'show_deleted' => '檢視已刪除', 'show_current' => '顯示當前', 'sign_in' => '登入', 'signature' => '簽名', 'skin' => '主題', 'slack_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your Slack integration with Snipe-IT is working!', 'some_features_disabled' => '演示模式︰ 此安裝禁用某些功能。', 'site_name' => '網站名稱', 'state' => '省份', 'status_labels' => '狀態標籤', 'status' => '狀態', 'supplier' => '供應商', 'suppliers' => '供應商', 'sure_to_delete' => '您確定要刪除嗎?', 'submit' => '送出', 'target' => '目標', 'time_and_date_display' => '顯示時間與日期', 'total_assets' => '總資產', 'total_licenses' => '總計授權', 'total_accessories' => '配件總計', 'total_consumables' => '耗材總計', 'type' => '類型', 'undeployable' => '不可佈署', 'unknown_admin' => '未知管理員', 'username_format' => '使用者名稱格式', 'update' => '更新', 'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.', 'uploaded' => '已上傳', 'user' => '使用者', 'accepted' => '已接受', 'declined' => '已拒絕', 'unaccepted_asset_report' => '未接受的資產', 'users' => '使用者', 'viewall' => '檢視全部', 'viewassets' => '檢視資產分配', 'website' => '網站', 'welcome' => '歡迎您,:name', 'years' => '年', 'yes' => '是', 'zip' => 'Zip', 'noimage' => '圖片未上傳或無法找到', 'token_expired' => '表單已過期,請重新送出', 'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled', 'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit', 'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit', 'accept' => 'Accept :asset', 'i_accept' => '我接受', 'i_decline' => '我拒絕', 'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:', 'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature', 'show_help' => 'Show help', 'hide_help' => 'Hide help', ];