{ "name": "Snipe-IT", "description": "Open source asset management.", "keywords": [ "asset management", "it asset" ], "website": "https://snipeitapp.com/", "repository": "https://github.com/snipe/snipe-it", "logo": "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/976748875733020672/K-HnZCCK_400x400.jpg", "success_url": "/setup", "env": { "APP_ENV": { "description": "Laravel environment mode. Unless developing the application, this should be production.", "value": "production" }, "APP_DEBUG": { "description": "Laravel debug mode. Unless developing the application or actively debugging a problem, this should be set to false.", "value": "false" }, "APP_KEY": { "description": "A secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies. (See either https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/generate-your-app-key or generate at https://coderstoolbox.online/toolbox/generate-symfony-secret)", "value": "" }, "APP_URL": { "description": "URL where your Snipe-IT install will be available at.", "value": "https://your-app-name.herokuapp.com" }, "APP_TIMEZONE": { "description": "Which timezone do you want to use for your install? (http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php)", "value": "UTC" }, "APP_LOCALE": { "description": "Which language do you want to use for your install? (https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/configuration#setting-a-language)", "value": "en" }, "MAX_RESULTS": { "description": "The maximum number of search results that can be returned at one time.", "value": "500" }, "MAIL_DRIVER": { "description": "Mail driver - Generally SMTP on Heroku - https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/configuration#required-outgoing-mail-settings", "value": "smtp" }, "MAIL_HOST": { "description": "SMTP Server Hostname", "value": "smtp.your.domain.name" }, "MAIL_PORT": { "description": "SMTP Server Port", "value": "25" }, "MAIL_USERNAME": { "description": "SMTP Server Username", "value": "YOURUSERNAME" }, "MAIL_PASSWORD": { "description": "SMTP Server Password", "value": "YOURPASSWORD" }, "MAIL_ENCRYPTION": { "description": "Encryption protocol for email sending.", "value": "null" }, "MAIL_FROM_ADDR": { "description": "Email from address", "value": "no-reply@domain.name" }, "MAIL_FROM_NAME": { "description": "Email from Name", "value": "Snipe-IT" }, "MAIL_REPLYTO_ADDR": { "description": "Email Reply-To address", "value": "your@domain.name" }, "MAIL_REPLYTO_NAME": { "description": "Email Reply-To Name", "value": "Snipe-IT" }, "MAIL_AUTO_EMBED": { "description": "Whether or not to embed images in emails (via CID or base64) versus linking to them.", "value": "true" }, "MAIL_AUTO_EMBED_METHOD": { "description": "Method that should be used for attaching inline images.", "value": "base64" }, "SESSION_LIFETIME": { "description": "Specify the time in minutes that the session should remain valid.", "value": "12000" }, "EXPIRE_ON_CLOSE": { "description": "Specify whether or not the logged in session should be expired when the user closes their browser window.", "value": "false" }, "ENCRYPT": { "description": "Specify whether you wish to use encrypted cookies for your Snipe-IT sessions.", "value": "true" }, "COOKIE_NAME": { "description": "The name of the cookie set by Snipe-IT for session management.", "value": "snipeit_session" }, "COOKIE_DOMAIN": { "description": "The domain name that the session cookie should be sent for.", "value": "your-app-name.herokuapp.com" }, "SECURE_COOKIES": { "description": "Should cookies only be sent for HTTPS connections? Generally true on Heroku.", "value": "true" }, "LOGIN_MAX_ATTEMPTS": { "description": "The maximum number of failed attempts allowed before the user is throttled.", "value": "5" }, "LOGIN_LOCKOUT_DURATION": { "description": "The duration (in seconds) that the user should be blocked from attempting to authenticate again.", "value": "60" }, "APP_LOG": { "description": "Driver to send logs to. (errorlog for stderr)", "value": "errorlog" }, "ALLOW_IFRAMING": { "description": "Allow Snipe-IT to be loaded using an iFrame?", "value": "false" }, "GOOGLE_MAPS_API": { "description": "Include your Google Maps API key here if you'd like Snipe-IT to load maps from Google on your locations and suppliers pages.", "required": false }, "BACKUP_ENV": { "description": "Set this to true if you wish to backup your .env file in your Admin > Backups process.", "value": "true" }, "ENABLE_HSTS": { "description": "Whether or not to send the HSTS security policy header.", "value": "false" } }, "formation": { "web": { "quantity": 1, "size": "free" } }, "image": "heroku/php", "addons": [ "cleardb:ignite", "heroku-redis:hobby-dev", "papertrail:choklad" ] }