<?php return array( 'does_not_exist' => '配件 [:id] 不存在', 'not_found' => '沒有找到該配件', 'assoc_users' => '使用者目前已借出 :count 組配件。請在繳回配件後重試。 ', 'create' => array( 'error' => '新增配件失敗,請重試。', 'success' => '新增配件成功。' ), 'update' => array( 'error' => '更新配件失敗,請重試。', 'success' => '更新配件成功。' ), 'delete' => array( 'confirm' => '您確定要刪除此配件嗎?', 'error' => '刪除配件時發生問題。請再試一次。', 'success' => '刪除配件成功。' ), 'checkout' => array( 'error' => '配件借出失敗。請再試一次。', 'success' => '借出配件成功。', 'unavailable' => '配件不足無法借出, 檢查可用數量.', 'user_does_not_exist' => '使用者不正確。請再試一次。', 'checkout_qty' => array( 'lte' => 'There is currently only one available accessory of this type, and you are trying to check out :checkout_qty. Please adjust the checkout quantity or the total stock of this accessory and try again.|There are :number_currently_remaining total available accessories, and you are trying to check out :checkout_qty. Please adjust the checkout quantity or the total stock of this accessory and try again.', ), ), 'checkin' => array( 'error' => '配件繳回失敗。請再試一次。', 'success' => '繳回配件成功。', 'user_does_not_exist' => '使用者不正確。請再試一次。' ) );