] * @since [v4.0] * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index(Request $request) { $this->authorize('view', Company::class); $allowed_columns = ['id','name']; $companies = Company::withCount('assets','licenses','accessories','consumables','components','users') ->withCount('users')->withCount('users')->withCount('assets') ->withCount('licenses')->withCount('accessories') ->withCount('consumables')->withCount('components'); if ($request->has('search')) { $companies->TextSearch($request->input('search')); } $offset = $request->input('offset', 0); $limit = $request->input('limit', 50); $order = $request->input('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; $sort = in_array($request->input('sort'), $allowed_columns) ? $request->input('sort') : 'created_at'; $companies->orderBy($sort, $order); $total = $companies->count(); $companies = $companies->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get(); return (new CompaniesTransformer)->transformCompanies($companies, $total); } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->authorize('create', Company::class); $company = new Company; $company->fill($request->all()); if ($company->save()) { return response()->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('success', (new CompaniesTransformer)->transformCompany($company), trans('admin/companies/message.create.success'))); } return response() ->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('error', null, $company->getErrors())); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function show($id) { $this->authorize('view', Company::class); $company = Company::findOrFail($id); return (new CompaniesTransformer)->transformCompany($company); } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { $this->authorize('edit', Company::class); $company = Company::findOrFail($id); $company->fill($request->all()); if ($company->save()) { return response() ->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('success', (new CompaniesTransformer)->transformCompany($company), trans('admin/companies/message.update.success'))); } return response() ->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('error', null, $company->getErrors())); } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { $this->authorize('delete', Company::class); $company = Company::findOrFail($id); $this->authorize('delete', $company); try { $company->delete(); return response() ->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('success', null, trans('admin/companies/message.delete.success'))); } catch (\Illuminate\Database\QueryException $exception) { /* * NOTE: This happens when there's a foreign key constraint violation * For example when rows in other tables are referencing this company */ if ($exception->getCode() == 23000) { return response() ->json(Helper::formatStandardApiResponse('error', null, trans('admin/companies/message.assoc_users'))); } else { throw $exception; } } } /** * Display a formatted JSON response for the select2 menus * * @todo: create a transformer for handling these responses * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v4.0] * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function selectlist(Request $request) { $this->authorize('view', Company::class); $companies = Company::select([ 'companies.id', 'companies.name', 'companies.image', ]); if ($request->has('search')) { $companies = $companies->where('companies.name', 'LIKE', '%'.$request->get('search').'%'); } $companies = $companies->paginate(50); $companies_array = []; foreach ($companies as $company) { $companies_array[] = [ 'id' => (int) $company->id, 'text' => e($company->name), 'image' => ($company->image) ? url('/').'/uploads/companies/'.$company->image : null, ]; } array_unshift($companies_array, ['id'=> '', 'text'=> trans('general.select_company'), 'image' => null]); $results = [ 'items' => $companies_array, 'pagination' => [ 'more' => ($companies->currentPage() >= $companies->lastPage()) ? false : true, 'per_page' => $companies->perPage() ], 'total_count' => $companies->total(), 'page' => $companies->currentPage(), 'page_count' => $companies->lastPage() ]; return $results; } }