@extends('layouts/default') {{-- Page Title --}} @section('title') {{ trans('general.custom_report') }} @parent @stop @section('header_right') {{ trans('general.back') }} @stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')
{{ Form::open(['method' => 'post', 'class' => 'form-horizontal']) }} {{csrf_field()}}

Customize Report

@if ($customfields->count() > 0)

Custom Fields:

@foreach ($customfields as $customfield)
@endforeach @endif

Select the fields you'd like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.

If you'd like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.

@include ('partials.forms.edit.company-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.company'), 'fieldname' => 'by_company_id', 'hide_new' => 'true']) @include ('partials.forms.edit.location-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.location'), 'fieldname' => 'by_location_id', 'hide_new' => 'true']) @include ('partials.forms.edit.supplier-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.supplier'), 'fieldname' => 'by_supplier_id', 'hide_new' => 'true']) @include ('partials.forms.edit.model-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.asset_model'), 'fieldname' => 'by_model_id', 'hide_new' => 'true']) @include ('partials.forms.edit.category-select', ['translated_name' => trans('general.category'), 'fieldname' => 'by_category_id', 'hide_new' => 'true', 'category_type' => 'asset'])
{{ Form::close() }}
@stop @section('moar_scripts') @stop