@php use App\Models\CustomField; @endphp @extends('layouts/default') {{-- Page title --}} @section('title') {{ trans('admin/custom_fields/general.custom_fields') }} @parent @stop @section('content') @section('header_right') {{ trans('general.back') }} @stop {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')
@if ($field->id) {{ Form::open(['route' => ['fields.update', $field->id], 'class'=>'form-horizontal']) }} {{ method_field('PUT') }} @else {{ Form::open(['route' => 'fields.store', 'class'=>'form-horizontal']) }} @endif
{{ Form::text('name', old('name', $field->name), array('class' => 'form-control', 'aria-label'=>'name')) }} {!! $errors->first('name', '') !!}
{!! Form::customfield_elements('element', old('element', $field->element), 'field_element select2 form-control') !!} {!! $errors->first('element', '') !!}
{{ Form::select("format",$predefinedFormats, $field->getFormatType(), {{ Form::select("format",\App\Helpers\Helper::predefined_formats(), $field->format, array('class'=>'format select2 form-control', 'aria-label'=>'format')) }} {!! $errors->first('format', '') !!}
{{ Form::text('help_text', old('help_text', $field->help_text), array('class' => 'form-control', 'aria-label'=>'help_text')) }}

This is optional text that will appear below the form elements while editing an asset to provide context on the field.

{!! $errors->first('help_text', '') !!}
@if (!$field->id)
{{ Form::close() }}

About Custom Fields

Custom fields allow you to add arbitrary attributes to assets.

@stop @section('moar_scripts') @stop