/* * * Snipe-IT Universal Modal support * * Enables modal dialogs to create sub-resources throughout Snipe-IT * */ /* HOW TO USE Create a Button looking like this: New If you don't have access to Blade commands (like {{ and }}, etc), you can hard-code a URL as the 'href' data-toggle="modal" - required for Bootstrap Modals data-target="#createModal" - fixed ID for the modal, do not change data-dependency="user" - which Snipe-IT model you're going to be creating. data-select="assigned_to" - What is the *ID* of the select-dropdown that you're going to be adding to, if the modal-create was a success? Be on the lookout for duplicate ID's, it will confuse this library! class="btn btn-sm btn-default" - makes it look button-ey, feel free to change :) */ $(function () { //handle modal-add-interstitial calls var model, select; if($('#createModal').length == 0) { $('body').append(''); } $('#createModal').on("show.bs.modal", function (event) { var link = $(event.relatedTarget); model = link.data("dependency"); select = link.data("select"); $('#createModal').load(link.attr('href'),function () { //do we need to re-select2 this, after load? Probably. $('#createModal').find('select.select2').select2(); }); }); $('#createModal').on('click','#modal-save', function () { var data = {}; //console.warn("We are about to SAVE!!! for model: "+model+" and select ID: "+select); $('.modal-body input:visible').each(function (index, elem) { var bits = elem.id.split("-"); if (bits[0] === "modal") { data[bits[1]] = $(elem).val(); } }); //this can probably get replaced with a normal 'serialize' instead $('.modal-body select:visible').each(function (index, elem) { var bits = elem.id.split("-"); data[bits[1]] = $(elem).val(); }); data._token = Laravel.csrfToken; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: baseUrl+ "/api/v1/" + model + "s", headers: { "X-Requested-With": 'XMLHttpRequest', "X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') }, data: data, success: function (result) { console.dir(result); if(result.status == "error") { var error_message=""; for(var field in result.messages) { error_message += "
  • Problem(s) with field " + field + ": " + result.messages[field]; console.dir(result.messages); console.log('error_messages are: ' + error_message); } $('#modal_error_msg').html(error_message).show(); return false; } var id = result.payload.id; var name = result.payload.name || (result.payload.first_name + " " + result.payload.last_name); if(!id || !name) { console.error("Could not find resulting name or ID from modal-create. Name: "+name+", id: "+id); return false; } $('#createModal').modal('hide'); $('#createModal').html(""); // "select" is the original drop-down menu that someone // clicked 'add' on to add a new 'thing' // this code adds the newly created object to that select var selector = document.getElementById(select); console.warn("The selector we should've selecte dis: "+select); console.dir(selector); if(!selector) { return false; } console.warn("onChange Selector Thing should've activated? Here's the selector"); console.dir(selector); selector.options[selector.length] = new Option(name, id); selector.selectedIndex = selector.length - 1; $(selector).trigger("change"); if(window.fetchCustomFields) { fetchCustomFields(); } }, error: function (result) { msg = result.responseJSON.messages || result.responseJSON.error; $('#modal_error_msg').html("Server Error: "+msg).show(); } }); }); });