] * @see LocationsController::getDatatable() method that generates the JSON response * @since [v1.0] */ public function index() : View { // Grab all the locations $this->authorize('view', Location::class); // Show the page return view('locations/index'); } /** * Returns a form view used to create a new location. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see LocationsController::postCreate() method that validates and stores the data * @since [v1.0] */ public function create() : View { $this->authorize('create', Location::class); return view('locations/edit') ->with('item', new Location); } /** * Validates and stores a new location. * * @todo Check if a Form Request would work better here. * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see LocationsController::getCreate() method that makes the form * @since [v1.0] * @param ImageUploadRequest $request */ public function store(ImageUploadRequest $request) : RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('create', Location::class); $location = new Location(); $location->name = $request->input('name'); $location->parent_id = $request->input('parent_id', null); $location->currency = $request->input('currency', '$'); $location->address = $request->input('address'); $location->address2 = $request->input('address2'); $location->city = $request->input('city'); $location->state = $request->input('state'); $location->country = $request->input('country'); $location->zip = $request->input('zip'); $location->ldap_ou = $request->input('ldap_ou'); $location->manager_id = $request->input('manager_id'); $location->created_by = auth()->id(); $location->phone = request('phone'); $location->fax = request('fax'); $location->notes = $request->input('notes'); $location = $request->handleImages($location); if ($location->save()) { return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('success', trans('admin/locations/message.create.success')); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($location->getErrors()); } /** * Makes a form view to edit location information. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see LocationsController::postCreate() method that validates and stores * @param int $locationId * @since [v1.0] */ public function edit($locationId = null) : View | RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('update', Location::class); // Check if the location exists if (is_null($item = Location::find($locationId))) { return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } return view('locations/edit', compact('item')); } /** * Validates and stores updated location data from edit form. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @see LocationsController::getEdit() method that makes the form view * @param ImageUploadRequest $request * @param int $locationId * @since [v1.0] */ public function update(ImageUploadRequest $request, $locationId = null) : RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('update', Location::class); // Check if the location exists if (is_null($location = Location::find($locationId))) { return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } // Update the location data $location->name = $request->input('name'); $location->parent_id = $request->input('parent_id', null); $location->currency = $request->input('currency', '$'); $location->address = $request->input('address'); $location->address2 = $request->input('address2'); $location->city = $request->input('city'); $location->state = $request->input('state'); $location->country = $request->input('country'); $location->zip = $request->input('zip'); $location->phone = request('phone'); $location->fax = request('fax'); $location->ldap_ou = $request->input('ldap_ou'); $location->manager_id = $request->input('manager_id'); $location->notes = $request->input('notes'); $location = $request->handleImages($location); if ($location->save()) { return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('success', trans('admin/locations/message.update.success')); } return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withInput()->withErrors($location->getErrors()); } /** * Validates and deletes selected location. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @param int $locationId * @since [v1.0] */ public function destroy($locationId) : RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('delete', Location::class); if (is_null($location = Location::find($locationId))) { return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } if ($location->users()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.assoc_users')); } elseif ($location->children()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.assoc_child_loc')); } elseif ($location->assets()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.assoc_assets')); } elseif ($location->assignedassets()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.assoc_assets')); } if ($location->image) { try { Storage::disk('public')->delete('locations/'.$location->image); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); } } $location->delete(); return redirect()->to(route('locations.index'))->with('success', trans('admin/locations/message.delete.success')); } /** * Returns a view that invokes the ajax tables which actually contains * the content for the locations detail page. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @param int $id * @since [v1.0] */ public function show($id = null) : View | RedirectResponse { $location = Location::withCount('assignedAssets as assigned_assets_count') ->withCount('assets as assets_count') ->withCount('rtd_assets as rtd_assets_count') ->withCount('children as children_count') ->withCount('users as users_count') ->withTrashed() ->find($id); if (isset($location->id)) { return view('locations/view', compact('location')); } return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } public function print_assigned($id) : View | RedirectResponse { if ($location = Location::where('id', $id)->first()) { $parent = Location::where('id', $location->parent_id)->first(); $manager = User::where('id', $location->manager_id)->first(); $users = User::where('location_id', $id)->with('company', 'department', 'location')->get(); $assets = Asset::where('assigned_to', $id)->where('assigned_type', Location::class)->with('model', 'model.category')->get(); return view('locations/print')->with('assets', $assets)->with('users', $users)->with('location', $location)->with('parent', $parent)->with('manager', $manager); } return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } /** * Returns a view that presents a form to clone a location. * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @param int $locationId * @since [v6.0.14] */ public function getClone($locationId = null) : View | RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('create', Location::class); // Check if the asset exists if (is_null($location_to_clone = Location::find($locationId))) { // Redirect to the asset management page return redirect()->route('licenses.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } $location = clone $location_to_clone; // unset these values $location->id = null; $location->image = null; return view('locations/edit') ->with('item', $location); } /** * Restore a given Asset Model (mark as un-deleted) * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v1.0] * @param int $id */ public function postRestore($id) : RedirectResponse { $this->authorize('create', Location::class); if ($location = Location::withTrashed()->find($id)) { if ($location->deleted_at == '') { return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('general.not_deleted', ['item_type' => trans('general.location')])); } if ($location->restore()) { $logaction = new Actionlog(); $logaction->item_type = Location::class; $logaction->item_id = $location->id; $logaction->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $logaction->created_by = auth()->id(); $logaction->logaction('restore'); return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('success', trans('admin/locations/message.restore.success')); } // Check validation return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('general.could_not_restore', ['item_type' => trans('general.location'), 'error' => $location->getErrors()->first()])); } return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('admin/models/message.does_not_exist')); } public function print_all_assigned($id) : View | RedirectResponse { if ($location = Location::where('id', $id)->first()) { $parent = Location::where('id', $location->parent_id)->first(); $manager = User::where('id', $location->manager_id)->first(); $users = User::where('location_id', $id)->with('company', 'department', 'location')->get(); $assets = Asset::where('location_id', $id)->with('model', 'model.category')->get(); return view('locations/print')->with('assets', $assets)->with('users', $users)->with('location', $location)->with('parent', $parent)->with('manager', $manager); } return redirect()->route('locations.index')->with('error', trans('admin/locations/message.does_not_exist')); } /** * Returns a view that allows the user to bulk delete locations * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v6.3.1] */ public function postBulkDelete(Request $request) : View | RedirectResponse { $locations_raw_array = $request->input('ids'); // Make sure some IDs have been selected if ((is_array($locations_raw_array)) && (count($locations_raw_array) > 0)) { $locations = Location::whereIn('id', $locations_raw_array) ->withCount('assignedAssets as assigned_assets_count') ->withCount('assets as assets_count') ->withCount('rtd_assets as rtd_assets_count') ->withCount('children as children_count') ->withCount('users as users_count')->get(); $valid_count = 0; foreach ($locations as $location) { if ($location->isDeletable()) { $valid_count++; } } return view('locations/bulk-delete', compact('locations'))->with('valid_count', $valid_count); } return redirect()->route('models.index') ->with('error', 'You must select at least one model to edit.'); } /** * Checks that locations can be deleted and deletes them if they can * * @author [A. Gianotto] [] * @since [v6.3.1] */ public function postBulkDeleteStore(Request $request) : RedirectResponse { $locations_raw_array = $request->input('ids'); if ((is_array($locations_raw_array)) && (count($locations_raw_array) > 0)) { $locations = Location::whereIn('id', $locations_raw_array) ->withCount('assignedAssets as assigned_assets_count') ->withCount('assets as assets_count') ->withCount('rtd_assets as rtd_assets_count') ->withCount('children as children_count') ->withCount('users as users_count')->get(); $success_count = 0; $error_count = 0; foreach ($locations as $location) { // Can we delete this location? if ($location->isDeletable()) { $location->delete(); $success_count++; } else { $error_count++; } } Log::debug('Success count: '.$success_count); Log::debug('Error count: '.$error_count); // Complete success if ($success_count == count($locations_raw_array)) { return redirect() ->route('locations.index') ->with('success', trans_choice('general.bulk.delete.success', $success_count, ['object_type' => trans_choice('general.location_plural', $success_count), 'count' => $success_count] )); } // Partial success if ($error_count > 0) { return redirect() ->route('locations.index') ->with('warning', trans('general.bulk.delete.partial', ['success' => $success_count, 'error' => $error_count, 'object_type' => trans('general.locations')] )); } } // Nothing was selected - return to the index return redirect() ->route('locations.index') ->with('error', trans('general.bulk.nothing_selected', ['object_type' => trans('general.locations')] )); } }