<?php return array( 'does_not_exist' => 'Níl múnla ann.', 'no_association' => 'WARNING! The asset model for this item is invalid or missing!', 'no_association_fix' => 'This will break things in weird and horrible ways. Edit this asset now to assign it a model.', 'assoc_users' => 'Tá an tsamhail seo bainteach le sócmhainní amháin nó níos mó faoi láthair agus ní féidir é a scriosadh. Scrios na sócmhainní, agus ansin déan iarracht a scriosadh arís.', 'create' => array( 'error' => 'Níor cruthaíodh an tsamhail, déan iarracht arís.', 'success' => 'Múnla cruthaithe go rathúil.', 'duplicate_set' => 'Tá múnla sócmhainne leis an ainm sin, an monaróir agus an uimhir samhail ann cheana féin.', ), 'update' => array( 'error' => 'Níor nuashonraíodh an tsamhail, déan iarracht arís', 'success' => 'Modúl nuashonraithe go rathúil', ), 'delete' => array( 'confirm' => 'An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mian leat an tsamhail sócmhainne seo a scriosadh?', 'error' => 'Bhí ceist ann a scriosadh an tsamhail. Arís, le d\'thoil.', 'success' => 'Scriosadh an tsamhail go rathúil.' ), 'restore' => array( 'error' => 'Níor athchóiríodh an tsamhail, déan iarracht arís', 'success' => 'Múnla curtha ar ais go rathúil.' ), 'bulkedit' => array( 'error' => 'Níor athraíodh aon réimsí, mar sin níor nuashonraíodh aon rud.', 'success' => 'Model successfully updated. |:model_count models successfully updated.', 'warn' => 'You are about to update the properies of the following model: |You are about to edit the properties of the following :model_count models:', ), 'bulkdelete' => array( 'error' => 'No models were selected, so nothing was deleted.', 'success' => 'Model deleted!|:success_count models deleted!', 'success_partial' => ':success_count model(s) were deleted, however :fail_count were unable to be deleted because they still have assets associated with them.' ), );